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Hello Everyone! Before I begin the next chapter, I sincerly apologize for delaying each chapter every few weeks. I have been a bit busy and lazy these few weeks but that does not make it an excuse to not keep writing for you guys. So here are 3 chapters published in 1 go for the delay!

Chapter 23
A few days after Thyme's engagement announcement, the whole city went berserk. There was news daily about the Paramaanantra Company, and it always had to do something with Thyme and Lalita. The school was bustling about Thyme and Gorya's relationship that there was even a rumor that Lalita had got into the school by climbing the fence.

Me Luna and Isa were hanging around more to talk about the current situation with the love triangle cause yk, girls are girls, they gotta do their thing.

It was already the end of school so I decided to hang around with Isa and Luna for a bit cause we've been a bit distant lately.

We were walking down the stairs to the entrance while talking about our subjects, when suddenly we heard a group of boys whistling and cat calling behind us.

I quickly whipp around to see a bunch of boys following after us and one was flicking Isa's skirt up.

Me: Hey! Wtf is your problem??

Guy 1: see you tomorrow cuties!

Guy 2: Yeah! Make sure to bring those tits with you tomorrow!

As they were laughing ahead and was about to leave, we heard 2 people, specifically Thyme and Lalita at our right side shouting at them from afar with the others, causing the group of boys to put their hands together while slightly bowing before running away.

I check on Isa to make sure she was alright before going ahead and thanking thyme and the others.

Me: Hey, you ok?

Isa: Yeah, luckily it wasnt THAT sexual .. can we go home now? Im kinda tired and want to rest from the mountains of gossip and homework.

Luna: alright, Y/n, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to ask one of the guys to bring you home, who knows? It could be Mj..?

I hear a few giggles coming out of them as I wave my hands around furriously at them.

Me: alright alright! Fine fine! Get home safely you two.

As we walk to the car, I open the door for my two cousins and close it as they are inside. I wave my hand a bit until the window slightly opened.

Isa: oh yeah, and Y/n? There's still hope with Mj, hope you help me win the bett between Luna and actually get back in a relationship with him! Ok bye!!

Before I could answer they quickly drove away. I sigh to myself and quickly get back to the others. As i draw nearer and nearer I can hear Thyme and Lalita bickering continuously calling each other names of animals like "Monkey" or "Donkey", so i let out a little giggle as to seeing everyone's reactions to their bickering.

Thyme: Oh my gosh, I am so done with you!

Lalita: Same goes for you!

As they spot me Lalita's mood suddenly changed.

Lalita: Y/n! Y/n!

She suddenly started running to me and gave me the tightest squeeze i could ever imagine. I tryed hugging her back, but her squeeze wouldnt let me even move my arms around.

I mouthed "Help" to the others as they just watched and laughed at how Lalita could have squeezed me to death before finally pulling away after what seemed like a millenial.

Lalita: you're Y/n, right? I saw you at the engagement party with this Rat! You're one of Mj's ex girlfriend, right? Right?

She started shaking me as I looked over to Mj as he just gave me a shrug.

Me: Yeah ... question, how did you know?

Lalita: Everyone in the school knows!! Just went to gossip here and there, then I found a little about the both of you! *giGGle giGgLe*

I look back again at Mj and nudge my head at him gesturing his arm.

Me: Hey, how's the arm?

Mj: better than ever thanks to you.

Lalita: Oh!! So the rumors are true, well then Y/n, Let's try to be good friends!!

Me: alright, just-please dont squeeze me that badly ..

Later that day I came home by bus because most of the others where most likely gonna bring the girls home, and Mj was, well-- a bit .. Angry with me, as usual.


I jump into bed not caring about changing as I on the a.c, I feel as though the moment back with Lalita about me and Mj started replaying through my mind over and over again, until I decided to finally do something and ease off the memory. And I know exactly what to do.

I boiled a pott of spicy cheese noodles, cooked a few spam and eggs. I started doing the plating by placing the noodles first, some melted cheese on top, and some egg and spam at the very top with some seaweed bits. Now THIS, with a few shows of Powerpuff-girls would ease my mind off. I quickly ask my secretary's to buy some chicken and some sushi from different restaurants as I search for an old dvd with my top few Powerpuff-girls episodes.

As I finally found the dvd, my secretary's come in my room with a concerned face with all the scatterd dvd's.

Ms. Beah: Y/n, we're beggining to get concerned for you, the last time you pulled this crazy stunt, you were sad that the guy from Harry potter died, what was his name again..? Tom? Cenic..?

Mr. Goy: It's Cedric, my dear. Now Y/n, do you have anything to think or talk about? We're always here yk?

I sigh to myself before giving a small smile. Jeez they're like a pair of concerning parents.

Me: Nothing's wrong my two lovely secretary's!! I just thought about a few break-ups and want to ease my small pain with chicken, noodles, sushi, and a lot of chocolate while watching a few cartoons. Its my-- well-- Self-me-day, Alright? Its a day where I can eat my favorite foods, stay in silk pj's while watching some cartoons when it's dark and cold in my room, so really im fine.

Ms. Beah: alright then Y/n, just drink a lot of water, and dont get constipated from the chocolate. And make sure the noodles arent that spicy. And--

Mr. Goy: Alright dear, I think its time we left her alone for her self-Y/n-day. Come lets go.

Ms. Beah: but- but-

Mr. Goy quickly closed the door and locked it as I giggle to myself. Dang that couple is old, but chaotic. I press pause on the dvd as I plump into a bean-bag chair and eat some food as the show starts.

Finally, you thought. It was finally your self-Y/n-day .

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