The Game Begins

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Chapter 6

After school, F4, Caleb, and my cousins decided to celebrate getting our red cards canceled. So we decided to meet up at 8:00pm to go to a casino or either a club.

Your BOOTIFUL outfit:

As the clock strikes 7:45pm, you go to Gorya's house to pick her up along with Kaning

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As the clock strikes 7:45pm, you go to Gorya's house to pick her up along with Kaning.

Kaning: Y/n, where exactly are we going?

Me: Either a Casino or a Club, or maybe both


Me: that's why you have me dumbasses

I reach to a small area-like cabinet in the van and bring out 2 bags onw for Kaning and one for Gorya

Me: you can have these dresses, I know you guys dont like accepting dresses, but please accept it for once.

Both of them exchanged looks and just nodded at me.

Kaning's outfit:

Kaning's outfit:

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Gorya's outfit:

We arrived at a Casino as we see the 5 men waiting for us, behind us was Luna and Isa in another car, and Hana said she couldnt come bevause she needed to do something

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We arrived at a Casino as we see the 5 men waiting for us, behind us was Luna and Isa in another car, and Hana said she couldnt come bevause she needed to do something. We walked over to the 5 men and I wave my hand around them to get their attention

Me: Hello?? Earth to F4??

Eventually they snapped and started speaking again.

Kavin: hey! Why did you invite chipmunk here?

Isa: dont be such an angry bird, The more people the better.

We just laughed and got inside.

As soon as I saw the inside of the Casino I looked over to my brother and he was already gambling.

Me: alright! It's time to gamble this shit place!

2 hours later, we noticed that everyone was gone from the casino leaving me and my brother. We go to a private club that was just beside the Casino and as I opened the doors my heart felt an unknown feeling.

There I saw Mj making out with some women until a voice called out to my name, Gorya and Isa had approached me.

Gorya: is there something wrong?

Me: oh- uh nothing

My eyes didnt break from Mj until they gestured for me to take a seat near the bar

Kavin: Hey miss gambling! How much did you win?

Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. I took out a breifcase opened it and showed the contents of the inside. It was cash prize of 10M dollars.

Gorya: Y/n, are you sure you didnt rob a bank??

Me: Yes I'm sure, my family has a tradition of teaching the next generation on how to gamble starting from the age of 7 if they're matured enough.

Everyone just stood the shocked, while I ordered a drink from the bar, until a sudden text ringed on my phone.


I open my eyes to see Y/n and Caleb back from gambling. SHIT. I push away the girl from my lap and pull kalvin into a back-room.

Kalvin: Mj, why did you bring me here??

Mj: why didnt you tell me Y/n was here??

Kalvin: Relax, she just arrived 5 minutes ago, niw lets go back, he ladies are waiting for me

Mj: you playboy

I slap his back as we exit the back-room only to find a guys hands wrapped around Y/n's waist and Y/n leaning near him. As soon as we got closer I pushed him away.

(Y/n POV)
As I predicted, Mj pushed away the guy I needed to hatch my plan.

Guy: How dare you do that! Do you know who I am??

Mj: Do you know who I am?? I'm her boyfriend you asshole!

A fight broke ou between the 2 of them and i quickly tried to separate them.

Me: could you stop?!

Mj: excuse me?? That guy was about to kiss you! What do you expect?? Im your boyfriend!

Me: you were never my boyfriend! It was all fake! So stop saying thay so proudly as if it was real when YOU in the other hand was kissing some random chick!

I said while grabbing his collar bone. He scoffed and started to walk infront of me until my body is in between the counter of the bar and him.

Mj: you know what? Fine.

He walked over to the guy and pulls him up

Mj: you can have her, it seems like she needs you more than she needs me.

With that, he left and slammed the door. "Uh oh" i said to myself.

Ren: what did you do now?

Me: ask my brother, not me

As i said those last words my brother bursts out in laughter.

Caleb: Confession;Gone wrong!

Everyone looked at him shocked and confused.

Kaning: what did you mean by that??

Caleb: I tried to get Mj and Y/n to hook up, tho it turned out wrong

Everyone just sighs at his laughter and soon we headed home.

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