Trust; Never Enough

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It's been 15 minutes ever since we've gone in the store and I grabbed a few stuff to buy. I bought a few dresses and necessities for a home.

After 40 more minutes I spot Gorya and Kaning near an escalator and I run over to them.

Kaning: Y/n! Tysm for these, do you have everything you got?

Me: yep, wanna go hang out somewhere?

Kaning: Sure, but do you guys want to eat something? I'm starving!

Gorya: excuse me?? After all that street food we ate?!

Kaning let out a loud chuckle and it went silent for a bit until Gorya's stomach made a sound of thirst and hunger for food.

My knees drop down to the ground as I laugh heartedly at the sudden reaction.

Gorya: Y/n! Stop it!!

After a few laughs I stood up and calmed down.

Me: So, where should we eat?

Kaning: hm.. I actually wanted to ask if we could wear some of the stuff we bought.

I nod my head as a response to her question and go in between Kaning and Gorya and loop my arms with theirs.

Me: well then, lets set sail for the toilets!

We laugh and chat as we get to the restroom. I go in my own toilet (i forgot what its called so please work with me here ppl) and take out one of my dresses from a bag. I quickly get changed and go outside to the sinks to fix my hair and makeup. A few minutes later I see Kaning and Gorya come out from the reflection of the mirror. I turn around as I see them in beautiful dresses.



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Y/n: woah! You guys look amazing!

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Y/n: woah! You guys look amazing!

Kaning: thanks, you too. Can you guys help me with my hair?

We nodd our head as we head to the mirror and take off her ponytail.

Gorya: do you want us to do your classic look?

Kaning nodds her head as I scoff causing them to look my way.

Y/n: since when were we hair stylists?!

Kaning: hey! You said you'll help me!

We let out a few giggles as we brush Kaning's hair. We heard a vibration sound so we look around the bathroom searching for a device. It stopped vibrating so we go back to Kaning's hair. One of the ponytails broke so we no longer had any.

Kaning: Awe shit!

I quickly take off my scrunchy as some of my hair flows to my face like a wind current that thrived to be free. Coincidentally the hair tie was also blue so it matched her outfit pretty well.

We tie her hair as we finish and get out of the bathroom. Suddenly, Kaning got a call from an unknown number. I look at the number from the call and let out a loud gasp.

Me: That's Mr. Goy! My secretary, answer him answer him!

I do a few small jumps until she answers him and puts it on speaker.

Kaning: Hello Mr. Goy, do you need anything?

She holds out the phone in the middle of our some-what circle and we wait for Mr. Goy to answer.

Mr. Goy: Please tell Mistress Y/n to come pick up Ms. Luna at a bar. She got drunk and called me up. Tho i can't go there to come because of an important meeting. Thank you.

He hung up as we just look at each other. I sigh as we start walking to an exit. Luckily Mr. Goy sent one of my drivers to the mall to help us with the bags. We quickly place it in the trunk and head over to a some-what club.

30 Minutes Later

We arrived at the club as we began our search for Luna. I made sure to stay in an open space for Gorya and Kaning to see me. I walk around near a few boots seeing if Luna is hanging around with a few men. I nearly tripped on something as I hear someone let out a moan.

Y/n: ew! What was that--

I turn around and look down to see Luna sitting there with a few Wine bottles.

Luna: oh hello Y/n! Whater u doing here??

She said while swishing her head left to right as I sigh from her sight.

Y/n: you reek of beer! Come on, let's get you home.

I place two hands on both her shoulders as I lead them to where Kaning and Gorya.

Gorya: where did you find her??

Y/n; well.. i sort of tripped on her on the way.

We let out a small laugh as Kaning places a jacket on Luna's shoulders. We guide her to an exit until a view stopped us on our pace. It was F4 standing by the exit. I scoff and assume that they where here to go clubing. I look over to Gorya who was already screaming at Thyme and I just sigh and grab their arms and leave.

On the way to the car I forgot something and head back to the club.

As i enter the club, I look for my item as I see it somewhere kn the table. I quickly walk over to the table not averting my eyes from it.

Me: Hey, Mr. That's one of my items, can I grab it real quick?

Kavin: Mr?

I look up to a familiar voice and see all of F4. I look over to my right and see Hana on top of Mj.

My mouth grows dry as I swallow hard trying to place my gaze elsewhere. Hana's eye's meet mine as I see a small smirk form across her face.

Hana: Oh Y/n! Long time no see, how are you?

I look over to Mj who was behind Hana and he had his brows scrunched the whole time.

I avoid Hana's question and quickly turn to face Mj. I felt hot red anger form on my head that also contained dissapointment and sadness.

Y/n: you should have told me you were dating Hana.

I knit my brows together as I wait for Mj's answer.

Mj: I don't need to tell you why if I'm in a relationship with you, don't I?

My eyes land on his hands decorated in rings as I see a diamond ring on his ring finger.

My eyes widden at the sudden sight as I see Hana wave around her hand at me.

Hana: oh yeah, we forgot to tell you something ..

We're gettin married .

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