Play the Played Piper; Start

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Chapter 7

It's been 2 weeks after the incident in the casino, and I havent seen Mj around either. As my mind wonders of I realize the teacher was calling me.

Teacher: Miss Y/n, are you there??

Me: Oh-- yes!

Teacher: please exit the door and enter the cafeteria. Someone wishes to speak with you. Reluctantly I slowly made my way to the door and headed for the cafeteria.

I heard a few foot steps on the way, but I just shrugged it off thinking some students may have went to the bathroom.

I enter the cafeteria and I was surprised to see A lot of students standing around while F4 and my brother where at the middle.

Mj: Grab her, and bring her to the stadium. Make sure she plays no tricks on you.

I turned around to see Mj, until a few men grabbed me and started draging me to the stadium. There they started shaving my hair. The good thing Is i was using my disguise that time. THE ACT IS ON.

I kept pushing them and telling them to stop, until one of them made me lay down the bed of the arena and I started my card.

My sister started crying, its been a while ever since ive seen her cry, tho i was amused to see her destroyed like this. Y/n started muttering words that seemed to be of japanese, until she finally yelled out the words.

Y/n: I'll sue you, I'll sue you all! I'll make sure you regret that!!

The others didnt know what she was talking about and one of the men holding her down took a pair of scissors and decided to cut her face, but I--

(Y/n POV)

I braced myself for the torching pain the scissors where gonna get through my skin. I yelled ONIICHAAN and closed my eyes. I heard a small drop enter the water, and as I looked up I saw my brother holding to scissors bleeding from the cut. Soon after he threw the guy to a random wall and staarted beating them up.

I was a bit surprised because my brother always abused me of being "dumb" and being a "older sister figure" and he hated that.

Caleb: You dare do something to my sisters pretty face!

He shoutted at the crowed causing them to flinch and whisper a few questions. He walked to me and helped me get up to just face me towards F4, and forcefully took of my disguise and wig.

Caleb: you dare do something to her and I'll break your bones apart!

As the last sentence echoed to the arena, Caleb went infront of me and hugged me--


Caleb had hugged Y/n and she started crying. Then what seemed to be a grin crawled on her face giving Mj the 'Don't fuck with me' glare. As Caleb was about to pull out she came back to a sad expression before he could see her transition from emotions. Honestly, what's this girls plan?? I thought to myself as I tap on Mj's shoulder.

Mj: mm?

Me: That girl of yours is quite feisty, hand her over to me

We were being interrupted by a person who came behind us and soon realized it was ren.

Ren: no, she wants someone loyal judging by what's happened in the past few days.

Me: loyal? Sorru Mj, you have no chance with that

Mj: hey! You too, you're the playboy among us.

As we trail off, I didnt notice that Y/n and Caleb had already left.

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