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Kacey eats a bit and makes sure that Sky does too before getting back to the questions she had. "There are some things you should know before we go much further. But before any thing else, we need to establish whether or not you are indeed our sister." Kacey holds back what he wants to say, he doesn't think she's ready for that just yet.

He's not sure that she will be ready for that ever but she'll be finding it out shortly.

"Why would I need to do that? I just wanted some answers. I have no intentions of trying to make a place in your family. I don't belong here, I already know that and with how some of you at least feel about my mother I don't want to make things worse."

"Sky, please, listen to what we have to say before you make any decisions about staying or leaving once the storm passes. We need to know whether you are our sister so we can make adjustments in regards to things. You will be given an inheritance and welcome to stay here with us."

Sky looks horrified by Kacey's words then she looks over to Ellis and shakes her head no. "I didn't come here to cause problems. I really shouldn't have come. From the reactions you gave when you found out who my mother was, you knew her. You knew her and couldn't stand her. I have no intentions of making you hate me by me taking something that isn't mine or forcing my presence on you all. The only thing I want is any answers you can give me, no money, not this house not to force you to accept me as your sister."

"That's just the thing, Sky, we need to establish if you are our sister." Ellis says and she has to hand it to him he hides his hostility towards her very well.

"It's a simple DNA test. There is every reason to believe that you are our sister, but for legal reasons we will need to verify it."

Sky looks uneasily at Kacey at his words. "Why is there reason to believe that I am your sister? You've never met me before. None of you."

"You are the spitting image of your mother." Ellis says and manages to hide most but not all of the acid from his tone.

"Okay, I know that my mother wasn't the nicest of people, but what the hell did she do to you guys?"

Kacey is giving Ellis a warning look now and Ellis shuts up and turns away from Kacey and Sky looking out the window into the garden that is now rain lashed and wind tossed.

"There are a couple of things you need to know, Sky, especially if you are our sister. Things that your mother knew but from your words she was unlikely to have shared with you. The first is that we are mafia." 

At his words Sky turns white and if she hadn't already been sitting down she likely would have fallen.

The brothers are looking at her frowning in concern, even Ellis.

At their looks Sky elaborates. "When I was growing up, sometimes some of mother's boyfriends would bring friends over. I would over hear them talking about the Legrand mafia. They were always terrified, but I never understood why. Now I realize that many of mother's boyfriends if not all of them were actually in mafias as well.

"I should have put it together with your last name." Sky looks at them with wide eyes, "But why were they all so afraid of you? We were on the other side of the country."

Kacey gives her a rather sad smile the twins look at her blankly Leroy refuses to look at her and Ellis, he smirks. "It has something to do with us being a very nasty mafia to cross. We don't take excuses, we don't have much mercy if you mess with us, but we do hold to our alliances and if people fuck with our allies we make sure they don't do that again, ever.

"The second thing we need to tell you has to do with that." The four younger brothers stand up and start undressing as Kacey talks to her.

"Sky, look at me." Once Sky focuses on Kacey he continues, "We are werewolves. That is why it is important to find out if you are truly our sister or not."

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