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"Wow, Kacey, how can you say that there is a good reason? I didn't think you really wanted me but to make your brothers not want me as well? That's pretty low. But then again if they were willing to go along with it they don't really want me either. Should I just reject you all now or wait until after the challenge?" Sky demands more than a little upset and not really wanting to hear anything more he has to say.

"Please, Sky, I've wanted to say this for a long time now, but to be honest I've chickened out." His embarrassment at the confession and his words take a minute to penetrate her anger, but once it does she calms down.

Sky narrows her eyes at Kacey and settles down. "Very well, talk to me and it better be damn good."

Kacey sighs. He's really fucked up and not just him but his brothers might pay the price for it. "We are all really close to losing control when we are around you. Our wolves want us to mate with our marked mate."

Sky looks at him incredulously and goes to speak but Kacey holds his hand up to show that he's not finished. "I do want you Sky. I want you so much that my control is nearly non existent at this point. I've never had such strong emotions about any one before in any way. It scares the living fuck out of me. The thought of losing you terrifies me. I don't know how to handle it, quite frankly. So I fucked up once more and pushed you away.

"My brothers feel the same. You've already fully accepted Wyatt. Quite frankly he's the only one of us that deserves you. We all know that.

"We don't know how to treat you right. We don't know how to share our feelings or talk things out. We are used to giving the orders and having them obeyed. This is an area that we are floundering in.

"You've told us that we needed to make time for you and we've tried but then our control began to break and we had to back off since we didn't want to take things in a direction you wouldn't like.

"The others had to back off because once we mate, if you ever let me, my wolf won't let me stop until he gets you with child. That's why the others had to back off. Their wolves will have the same desires and you have to have my child first then you can have theirs in any order."

Sky sits there in shock at his words. The anger long forgotten at what he confessed.

"Me a mother?" Sky manages to say in shock. She hadn't even thought about it.

She turns to Wyatt, "We haven't taken any precautions and I'm not on anything."

Wyatt smiles. "I made sure of it. I knew that Kacey would have killed me had I gotten you pregnant. Besides, I didn't think you would want a child so young."

Sky looks at him and merely blinks, "You took care of it?" She manages to get out once she can speak once more.

Wyatt nods. 

"What-" Wyatt shakes his head.

"I won't tell you Sky. You don't really want to know. Just know that I won't be getting you with child until you tell me you want my baby. Then I'll be more than happy to give you as many as you wish."

Sky then turns her attention to Kacey. "I'm only twenty one. I'm not ready to be a mother. Hell, I've never even thought of becoming one."

Kacey nods sadly. "I didn't think you wanted to be. That's part of the reason I didn't say anything and pulled back and had my brothers pull back as well. I should have had the courage to talk to you, though, and that's on me. Please don't punish my brothers for my mistakes. I will completely understand if you wish to no longer have anything to do with me. 

"I want more than anything to be with you, Sky, but I keep fucking things up." Kacey shakes his head and looks down in shame. "I would appreciate it, if when you reject me this time that you don't do so in public. I have no wish for the bitches to think it's open season on me once more. I would also ask that you remain here and continue being luna to the pack. 

"I'll move to the new mafia you'll be gaining us today so you won't have to see me very often." Kacey says defeatedly. He isn't able to stop a tear from falling and so turns away from Sky so she wouldn't see it.

Sky had been watching him thoughtfully. She knows how hard it would have been for him to admit to his cowardice and to beg her to stay. Kacey loves his pack and to say that he was willing to leave to allow her to stay with his brothers was a huge sacrifice.

But it is the tear that he tries to hide that decides her.

"I expect my promised date soon. I'm tired of waiting and no more of this silent treatment shit. Talk to me or there won't be a luna here any longer. I'm fed up with being treated like I'm invisible. Either treat me like you actually want me or I'll leave. 

"I don't think I'm ready to be a mother. I hadn't even thought of it. I have no desire to be one at this time, so your wolf needs to back off on that. If we ever get to the point of me accepting you as a mate, that is. As for your brothers, they need to talk to me as well. They aren't acting like they want me here either. If they are willing to back off because you ask it then they don't really want me. 

"I won't keep a mate that doesn't want me. That doesn't want to spend time with me, that acts like I'm a burden or a responsibility that they have to deal with." Sky sniffs sadly, "I only want to be with those that want to be with me, that show that I'm someone they desire, if you can't love me."

Kacey goes to her and kneels in front of her and wipes the tear that is falling down her face. "I'm sorry, Sky. I know you are far too good for me. We aren't worthy of you, but we have been blessed to have you in our lives. 

"I would like it if you would be willing to go on a date with me tonight." Kacey tells her as he holds her hands.

"Tonight?" Sky says in no little disbelief. "Won't you be busy taking over that other mafia and pack?"

Kacey smiles and shakes his head. "That is important, but not as important as spending time with you. What do you say?"

Sky shakes her head trying to understand. This is what she needed to hear from him, but how long will this attitude last? "Very well, what should I wear?"

Kacey smiles delightedly. "Bring something nice, a dress, and we'll go to a fancy restaurant in the city there. Make sure that your knights be dressed appropriately. They might want to bring dates as well to be less conspicuous."

Sky smiles that he understood that she'll be bringing her knights with her.

"Wyatt, she won't be needing you tonight for the date."

"I gathered that." Wyatt says a little dryly. He has no desire to watch Kacey on their date.

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