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"Sky, don't be angry, tomorrow I'll be flying out to that banker. The ring from my grandmother was to go to my mate. My damn father gave it to Choline. Fortunately it still found it's way to my mate. I won't have you lose it now.

"The other ring is dangerous for others to have and dangerous for my mafia to have floating around. It could make a target of whomever ends up with it. By rights it's yours as well. As our mate, my mate there is none higher other than me. Not even my brothers are above you in the mafia."

"Yeah, right, I heard what was said. Females aren't respected much in the mafia."

Kacey gives her a smile reminiscent of a snake. "Perhaps some of the mafias are that way, but in mine you are second only to me. Should you wish you could be equal to me." 

Sky shivers and shakes her head. "No thanks, Kacey. You know that I really don't want to have any thing to do with that part of your life. The farther away I can be from that the better."

"Then I won't include you and just have my brothers continue as they are." Kacey reassures her. "But the ring still needs to be returned to you."

Sky nods thoughtfully and continues on towards their goal. She has a date with a stupid alpha that wants to die.

It doesn't take them much longer to get there. The arrogant alpha sneers at her as he looks her over dismissively. "She's not much to look at. Should have taken my girl and made her your luna."

Sky looks him over and shakes her head. "Why would any one want to follow someone so obviously weak and stupid? He is fucking insane and you still put up with him. Oh, well, let the female do the man's work. At least that way it will get done right."

Her words make all the males stiffen in anger, except the Legrand mafia and pack. They aren't sure if they should be angry or laugh at what their luna managed to do. Her mates decide to laugh as do her knights.

That is the last straw with the alpha/boss of the opposing mafia. He runs forward and tries to attack the female that dared to disrespect him.

Tried being the operative word there. Sky ducks under his swing made clumsy by anger and has her hand turn into claws that rips his abdomen wide open. Then she swipes his gonads as she says, "You won't be needing these."

Covered in blood and other things Sky stands up then grabs the man by the neck. He'd been too busy holding his insides inside him to do anything else. "You should have loved and nurtured your mate. Then you would have had several strong boys to take over after you. Instead you have one foolish girl that has decided she'd rather be a full time whore in one of Kacey's whorehouses then die. 

"Instead of a large posterity, with many many grandchildren you will have none. But then you won't be living long enough to mourn that fact." Sky says coldly even as she then rips out his throat.

She looks down and spits on the dead man at her feet before looking at the mafia and pack before her. "I know many of  you are backward idiots, so I'll make things easier for you. Alpha Kacey will be taking over on my behalf. What he tells you take as my words. I'll remain as luna and there will be some sweeping changes taking place. Hopefully you won't remain in the dark ages for much longer. But if you refuse to accept the changes then there will be several deaths."

"Luna, what should we call you?" One of the watching females asks trying to hide a satisfied smile.

"Call me Sky or Luna Sky. I have no problem with the informal but my mates would prefer the more formal address.

"Now for the first change." Sky says and smiles as she looks over the females. She loses the smile as she notices many bruises and many holding some part of their body as if in pain. "Any mate that cheats on their mate will be executed for attempted murder. Any mate that abuses their mate the mate will be able to reject that piece of shit and no harm will be allowed to come to the one that was abused. Should the abused mate wish to change locations that will be permitted as well." Sky notices that many of the females look sideways at the males then one hesitantly comes forward. She is holding her side and seems to be having trouble walking.

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