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They spend the next few hours talking and getting to know each other. Or rather Sky getting to know all of them and them getting to know Sky and Wyatt better. And of course Wyatt getting to know the alphas on a different level.

Sky is much more comfortable around all of them by the time the doctor knocks on the door bringing the results from the test in.

Kacey looks it over then hands it to Wyatt. "Well, I have to say father was an ass and a pig of the first order. It seems we have a brother we never knew about."

Kacey nods as Wyatt turns a bit green at the information given to him. "That is yours to keep if you wish, but if not then we would prefer to destroy the information. We will set up a transfer of money to give  you a share of the inheritance our father left us. Besides as Sky's mate you'll need to be able to take care of her if something happens to us." Kacey tells the now slightly green wolf.

"What do you mean, Kacey?" Sky asks confused.

"We have a lot of enemies. Father left behind a brutal legacy of death. It made us feared but it also made us targets. There are times when we'll be attacked. Wyatt will stay with you and do his best to protect you and get you away from here and to safety.  He will need money to take care of you if that happens."

Ellis takes over, "Wyatt, you'll need to keep a reserve of cash as well since cards can be tracked. We suggest that you pick different spots and place cash and get some fake id's for you and Sky in those locations.

With the direction of things changed Wyatt doesn't look so green any more. He takes a look at the bright side. His father is the reason he has the most incredible female as a mate. He doesn't even care that she's not a wolf. Not even his wolf cares. He's never felt really comfortable around females but from the first Sky has felt like home to him.

He remembers the words his mother told him about how mates are supposed to treat each other and will do his best to be like that for his mate.

His mother's mate rejected her when he found out that she was carrying the pup of someone she didn't even know who. He didn't care that she had been violated by the alpha's orders. He just looked at her in disgust and rejected her. His mother told him everything and he swore to her that even if his mate had a pup by someone else that he would talk to her first and find out the reason and if she would be faithful to him before rejecting her for that reason.

For years he had to stay out of the way of the alpha because of his hatred of the man that caused his mother so much pain. He also had a great deal of bitterness towards his mother's mate. But since he hadn't waited around for her to accept his rejection he would have felt when she died. He hopes that the wolf has gone insane.

It seems like in no time it was time for dinner. As it is brought in they are all much more comfortable together. Sky is even thinking that perhaps she will be able to accept them and let them mark her soon. But the feeling of anxiousness and unease hasn't left. Something will be happening tonight. So she holds off on giving her approval of them marking her. 

She hopes that her fears won't be realized, but she just can't get over that feeling.

As Wyatt gets ready to escort her to her room so she can get ready for the party Ellis stops her. "Wait, Sky, I have something for you. I would like you to wear this tonight. I bought this a long time ago when we first started looking for our mates. This is yours no matter what you decide. I bought it for my mate and even if you decide to reject me, reject  us, it will still be yours." Ellis looks down blushing as how he's stumbling over the words he wants to say.

Sky looks at him and smiles. She takes the gift he holds out. She opens the box, "Oh, it's beautiful Ellis. Are you sure that you want me to have something that expensive?"

She lifts the box up and watches the glint of light play on the faceted gem.

Ellis looks up with a small pleased smile on his face, "You like it?"

"It's beautiful. I would love to wear it tonight." She thinks that it is a real diamond but isn't sure. It seems to have just a hint of color but unless the light hits it just right you can't really see it.

"How about you put it on me?" Sky says and offers him the box.

Ellis pleased takes the box and with shaking hands places the necklace around her neck and fumbles a bit with the catch before he finally gets it.

He's not expecting her to turn around immediately and give him a kiss.

"Thank you! Now Tandy threatened me. She said that she would need time to work on my hair and makeup."

"You don't need makeup, Sky." Kacey does his best to not growl this out.

Sky gives him a delighted laugh. "Perhaps not, but I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of all the other werewolves. You already have a disadvantage by having a human for a mate and having to share between all of you. I want to look my best for you all."

So saying Wyatt ushers her out of the room and escorts her to her room to get ready.

"Well, we just have enough time to get some of the dirty business out of the way before we have to mix and mingle with the crowds later." Kacey says but he has a decidedly wicked smile on his face.

"Make sure to have the mates to the bitches brought to the cells. The bitches have been taken and made comfortable I take it?" Kacey says to the guard.

"Yes, alphas. Just as you have instructed, the alpha daughters that have mates here have been taken to the cells and secured. The other two have been given refreshments in the front living room."

"Very well." Kacey's wicked look has blossomed completely. He hated having to be with those females and now he won't ever have to be again.

Kacey and his brothers make their way to the cells and remove their tops this will likely get a bit bloody and they don't want to ruin the shirts.

As the guard and they make a turn around the corner they don't see the two females sneak into the study. The one is carefully holding a bottle with a stopper in it.

Once inside one stays by the door and the other one rushes over to the alcohol and carefully takes the one holding the scotch and opens it. Then she takes the potion that she was carrying and empties it into the decanter. She mixes the liquids together until there is no difference in color. 

Both of them make sure that their presence isn't detectable before putting the decanter back and slipping out of the room.

Neither of them had noticed the camera that had caught all of what they did.

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