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Sky and Kacey talk quietly as they hurriedly eat their breakfast. Sky is more than curious what Kacey has planned for the ones that dared suggest cheating on her. As he tells her his idea she smirks a bit. Better than killing the ones that haven't been warned, but not by much. Hopefully it will be a sufficient deterrent that they  won't have to do another example in front of the entire pack again.

By the time they are done eating Kacey is informed that the cameras are ready and the other packs have assembled. He has his pack go in. Those that aren't able to watch will most definitely hear about it later. Although, his pack has already been warned about what will happen.

Seamus comes to the front and hands Kacey a bag as the other knights bring up the females. The pack starts whispering as they see the females in chains. Some of them get a little smirk on their faces. The ones from the pack they came from mostly. They are pretty sure they know why the females are being brought before them like that. They think it's only fair since those females are known to seduce male mates away from the females, especially the high ranking ones.

Once the females are settled other guards bring in and set up a post that is obviously meant to be used for punishment. "Kacey, if this is going to get messy, perhaps we should do it outside?" Sky says knowing this will just make more work for those that clean.

"Can't this time. Can't do the tele pack meetings outside. Hopefully this will be sufficient that we won't have to do one publicly killing the females." Kacey tells her softly in return. Sky nods slowly to show she understands but isn't happy about the extra work for the servants. 

"How about they are the ones that will have to clean up any mess? It won't be fair for the servants to have to clean up after them."

Kacey smiles delightedly at the idea. "Sounds fair enough. If they are in good enough shape afterwards to do so."

Shortly after that Kacey calls to order the pack meeting. All the packs call in to let him know that everyone is either there or will be seeing a recorded version of the meeting. Once Kacey gets the last report he stands before the pack. "Welcome everyone, I wish I could say that this is a happy meeting I have planned for you this day. Unfortunately I can't. Last night my brothers raided the two other packs that tried to take me down. Two of my brothers and some of my pack were captured in one and then disappeared. I have some witches and some of the bird shifters out looking for them. Once we find them we will be attacking. 

"Now if that was everything, then it still wouldn't be that bad, but it isn't. These females tried to interrupt my time with my mate last night and were upset when my guards didn't let them through. They left their names and an invitation that when I was through with my bitch of a mate to look for them. Now, my pack has been warned already about disrespecting Sky, your luna and my mate and the mate of all my brothers but let me give that warning again and add in the newcomers to my pack. You don't have to like me, my brothers or Sky, but you do have to respect us. Any disrespect towards Sky is disrespect towards US. That will be punished with whipping. 

"However, the more serious offense they committed was trying to come between mates, especially myself and my luna. That is considered attempted murder and will be punished as such. There is to be no messing around once you are mated. If the one mated is being receptive to the invite from the one trying to have sexual relations they too will be punished for attempted murder. Their mates will be allowed to reject them first since the punishment is death.

"Since these five weren't warned ahead of time they will be made examples of for all. Ten lashings for the disrespect towards myself and my luna except for the last one, she called Sky a bitch after Sky kept her from touching me. She will receive an extra ten lashings. All the whippings will be done with silver shard studded whip. For the younger children they are excused now since this will be a little too graphic for them." Kacey takes out the whip as Seamus and Henry take the first female to the post. The children are hustled out of the room and then Henry rips the females shirt off her back.

"Once the whippings are completed, they will be allowed medical treatment but then they will return and clean up the blood from their whippings. 

"Remember in the future, it will be an execution, not a whipping for any that try to steal another's mate." Kacey says at flicks the whip he removed from the bag he was handed earlier. Sky steps back as Kacey gets ready to start whipping the female.

By the time the punishment was finished not one of the females was able to stand on her own and the last one had to be carried into the infirmary to get her back taken care of.

Anastasia hides the smile as she watches how Kacey is making sure that no other females would dare to touch him or his brothers after this. At least not the smart ones, but ambitious and greedy females aren't always all that smart. She isn't sure if she hopes that one will try them or not. She shrugs as she makes her way home. 

She and her coven have a great deal to do and she'll need some help from the things at her house. She just hopes that they are able to help Sky and the alphas before anything too bad is done to the captured alphas.

Finding them is of prime importance. If they don't before one of them is killed Anastasia is sure that Kacey will order the death of all witchlings. She shudders. That would get ugly real fast. She just isn't sure why Hecate ordered her to move here of all places?

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