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The pack and those from the Legrand pack silently move through the night but not even they are able to move as silently and deadly as the cat people that are leading the way. They silently take out the guards to the warehouse. 

Kacey remains in human form so that he can open the doors. Ellis comes back from making sure all those in the perimeter are taken down. He turns back to his human form as well and puts on the clothes Kacey tosses him. Together they go into the warehouse. They find the mafia members with their throats torn out and blood pooling on the concrete floor. They are careful to avoid the blood pools. They have no desire to leave human clues in this destruction.

They are willing to kill with weapons if they find any one that still lives. They follow their guide to where the prisoners are held. "Thank you. This is the one with my mate and pack mate. The other prisoners need to be taken to the cells of the pack, if you would?" The cat nods to the alphas and makes it way out of the area to look for help to take the other prisoners.

Leroy and the twins will be going through and looking for information the mafia doesn't want them to know. They will be visiting all the member houses as the information is found. 

Ellis opens the door and sees Sky on the floor in a human puddle. He is furious at the sight. Then he notices Tandy. "Tandy?"

Tandy hearing her alpha looks up. "Right, about time you got here. They were starting to get a little upset at the both of us being out. They made it so that I woke up but they are upset that Luna Sky won't wake up."

"What did they do to her?" Kacey demands of his pack mate.

"Nothing. She passed out before they got through me and Wyatt." She looks at her alpha with fear. "I saw Wyatt go down and bleeding heavily. They were laughing at how they killed her guard."

"He's fine, a little sore but he'll make it. My allies came just after they took you. They were able to follow your kidnappers here. We had to wait until nightfall before we could attack. They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No, just need to move about a bit. I could use a bathroom and a shower. Food would be nice too."

"We'll get you out of here and they'll take care of you at the pack house. Once we get Sky taken care of and helped, me and the my brothers will deal with this mafia once and for all." Tandy  shivers at the death promised in his icy tones.

"Will she be okay, alpha?" Tandy asks anxiously. There was nothing she could do, the ropes turned out to be stronger than she could break out of since there were too many together.

"I don't know. I'm not sure what's wrong with her. I can promise you this," Kacey says as Ellis helps Tandy out of the room, "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she lives, even if she hates me for it." Tandy isn't sure if she was supposed to hear that last part or not. She shivers at the promise he made and her heart hurts for him and the other alphas. What happened at the party hadn't been their fault but it caused them to lose Sky. She knows that Sky isn't happy either but she doesn't know her well enough to know if losing her mates is what is causing her to be sad or not.

"Did the bag that Wyatt was carrying get saved?" Tandy asks as they are leaving the warehouse.

"Yes, there was a bag in his room that was covered in blood."

Tandy sighs in relief. "That bag holds a fortune in stock certificates and bearer bonds." Tandy says when Ellis looks at her.

 Her words are enough to stop both alphas. "Explain as we return to the pack."

Kacey rushes them to the doctor who takes Sky gently and places her in the only vehicle they brought. The other three start walking and before they get back to the pack they are joined by the other three alphas. Flames are starting to light the desert morning sky.

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