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"How could they possibly know that we were going after the hunters when we just found out about them?" Lloyd mutters what the others are wondering.

"Who the fuck knows? Perhaps one of them is a psychic." Kacey says disgustedly. None of the alphas are very happy about the witch being there but if she has information they'll need it.

"Send her in," Kacey says and makes a few calls to get his people started preparing to go against the witches. Being so far away it will be better to take cars, it will cut the time down and they'll be able to bring back the injured for health care. Hopefully not too many will have been killed. Sky will go ballistic if they are.

He's pretty sure that she could probably kill all the hunters on her own if they didn't have poisoned weapons that would debilitate her abilities. 

While they wait Sky goes ahead and marks Seamus as her other knight. His mark looks the same as Chang's. There is a new charge in the air since both of her knights and she are in the room. The alphas and Christopher look at her as her power seems to increase.

They are interrupted by another knocking on the door.

Sky manages to control the power as Kacey opens the door and invites the female on the other side in.

Sky looks the new comer over carefully. She can feel something different about this female but can't tell exactly what it is.

"Are you hiding your power for a reason?" Leroy growls out.

"No, forgive me alphas, luna and knights. I was told that one of my sisters worked a forbidden spell and caused you trouble. I have no desire to make things worse. I am here in fact to help erase the debt we now owe you.

"The hunters are stronger than you will be prepared for. Me and my sisters will be helping you if you will accept our help. This will be payment for what was wrongfully done against you alphas and your luna." The unnamed female tells them all.

Sky shakes her head. "Before we get to that, I don't know about my mates but I don't trust those that I haven't been introduced to. Hell, I don't trust many that I have been introduced to. I think you know my mates?"

"Of course, forgive me. I am Anastasia Longfellow." Anastasia wrinkles her nose as she introduces herself. "Horrible name I know. I have no idea what my mother was thinking when she named me.

"Any way, my sisters are already around the location where the hunters have set up their stronghold. I am prepared, well we are prepared to do three things for you. We will neutralize their weapons and poisons you will have to do the rest on your own. We will offer you healing for those you take to fight and for those you rescue. It will be full regeneration healing, they will be restored to their fullest including scaring gone and any missing parts returned. Even if that means regrowing eyes and what not. Finally I'll be transporting all those you take to fight and returning you here once you finish and are ready to return."

There is an astounded silence once she finishes talking.

The alphas, her mates and Christopher just stare at her like they've never seen a female before.

"Uhhuh, and what will we need to pay for this help?" Sky is less astounded and far more cynical.

Anastasia shakes her head. "You don't understand, my fallen sister damn near caused the destruction of all the supers by her fucking with your mates. Even now not all the harm has been fixed. You are no longer human because of her interference. There is a feeling of distrust between you and your mates, at least most of them. That is the debt that we owe you. Even what I offer won't pay off the debt. You won't be giving or offering any thing for these services."

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