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The next few days they work on plans in case they are unable to protect Sky. One thing Sky insists on is Wyatt being free to betray her if he wants. She won't allow him to be put on bed rest indefinitely. She needs to know if he will betray her or not. 

As he continues to avoid her whenever he can Sky becomes more and more sure that something is wrong with him but doesn't know what. He won't talk to her and refuses to join them at night. Even the alphas start to wonder what is up with him, but keep their questions to themselves.

Anastasia does help with the interrogation and they find out a lot of useful information through that, but nothing definite about Wyatt. Even the traitor refuses to say anything no matter how much pain he goes through.

Finally Saturday comes around. By then Sky and Brandon have become pretty well acquainted with each other. Brandon is practically dancing around in his excitement to be going on a date with his father and Sky.

They pass a pleasant day together at a park.

As it starts to get late they go back to the pack house. Leroy ends up carrying his nearly asleep son. "Thank you, Sky this day has meant the world to him." Leroy tells her giving her a warm smile.

"It was my pleasure. Brandon is a great kid, you should be proud of him." Sky replies smiling warmly first at Leroy then softly at the sleeping child in his arms.

"I am. Once we get inside shower and get dressed in comfortable clothes, we'll have a late picnic at a little clearing that I like to go to, to relax." Leroy tells her before entering the building.

"Sounds good," Sky says smiling at her mate. They separate going to their rooms to get ready for their late date.

Sky has a feeling that the enemy will be trying once again soon and likely that very night.

"My queen?" Henry says as she gets ready.

"It will be soon Henry, I feel it. Are you ready?" Sky says dressing in clean clothes.

"Yes, my queen. Hmm, I think a king snake would go well with that outfit. If you would permit me?" Henry asks and at Sky's permission changes and he slithers onto her arm and up around her neck.

Sky had by now gotten used to the feeling of having the snake slither all over her. He only ever uses non lethal forms so he won't ever accidently bite her and kill her although he has assured her that he couldn't even if he tried. His vow would keep him from doing so. Sky is still happier that he couldn't bite her even by accident.

After a lovely interval with Leroy the perimeter alarms once more go off. Once more they are far too close to where the two leaders are. "There are more traitors," Sky mutters bitterly.

"We knew there would be, Sky. They will keep this up until they accomplish what they desire."

"You mean until they capture me?" Sky says darkly.

"Sky, we don't want you hurt, you know that. Until we find the traitors..."

"You want me to be taken, I know."

"We don't want you taken, but I don't think we'll be able to stop them." Leroy tells her bitter himself. The last thing they want is for her to ever think they don't want her. They still aren't sure how they will be able to communicate with her and reassure her while still making it look like they don't miss her at all. The thought makes him sick. Makes them all sick. They all know that she still doesn't fully trust them or believe that they love her.

"I love you Sky, more than I can possibly say." Leroy tells her before stripping to join the fight he hears not far away.

Sky sighs, "I know. I know you and the others say you do and you've all done your best to prove that you do want to be with me, even the twins rather than their wolves, have spent time with me. I just don't know if you will actually miss me."

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