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Sky is irritable since every time she got into a decent sleep she was awakened. She warned Wyatt if he continued doing that that she would reject him as well. After that she was able to get some more sleep but had to get up to make the plane.

She was able to sleep uninterrupted on the plane but the ride was too short to make up fully for the lost sleep she suffered the night before, not to mention the headache that is bothering her.

It doesn't take them long to rent a car and head on out to the location Sky needs to get to to finish dealing with her mother's things. 

On the way there Sky doesn't notice Wyatt making a phone call and letting Kacey and the others know where they are heading.

"I'll alert the local alpha he promised that he would help to guard Sky. It seems that someone in the pack is a spy. Our spy informs me that the the mafia knows that Sky is there. They didn't know where, but they knew that you were flying out to Las Vegas. Be extra vigilant." Kacey tells Wyatt through clenched teeth. He's furious that one of his pack members is a traitor. The other mafia is fully human and so he'll be starting his house keeping with the humans and then going through his wolves to find the traitor or traitors.

"Thank you, against a small amount I have no doubt that I can protect her. But going up against a full mafia, I'll be taken down by numbers alone."

"Just stay safe until the back up can arrive." Kacey says more than a little sick at the truth of Wyatt's words. Even with Tandy helping they will be out numbered easily.

He calls the pack that will be closest to them and makes arrangements. Once that is done he sits back and makes plans. 

Standing abruptly he strides out of the room and calls his brothers to him even as he starts the search for the one that has betrayed him and Sky.

Sky decides that there isn't enough time left that day to do what needs to be done so they find a motel and take a couple of rooms and find somewhere to eat before heading to bed.

"Sky, you need to have your head checked out by the hospital. Please?" Wyatt tries to get her to agree to the hospital at least.

Sky just looks at him long and hard. When he doesn't stop looking at her with pleading eyes she finally gives in. For the next few hours they sit in the hospital and get all kinds of tests done on Sky to make sure that she's fine. By the time the doctor assures her that she's fine and just to take some pain meds for the headache Sky is more than willing to get out of the hospital and get back to the motel room.

They stop and get some food before heading in to sleep.

The next morning Sky tells them that they will need to go to two different banks in the town. Wyatt had noticed the day before that the banks are on opposite ends of town and was rather shocked that the town was big enough to support two different banks.

Sky decides to go to the one further away first. The two werewolves just meekly follow her lead as they go out into the blinding heat of the desert land.

Once they get into the bank Sky tells the teller that she needs to close out her mother's safety deposit box since she died. She gives the proof by showing the death certificate, shows her birth certificate and driver license. The teller gets the owner of the bank and he escorts her into the vault that holds the safety boxes. He makes sure that she has the key and once the box is open leaves her and Wyatt in the room.

Sky takes the box to the table that is there and empties the box on it. She stares at the items in shock and confusion. "What are those?" Sky points to some sheets of paper that are covered in writing and decorations.

"It looks like some stock certificates and bonds. Some of these bonds are government issued and are now mature for the value printed on them. Some look like bearer bonds." Wyatt says impressed. Bearer bonds have mostly been outlawed because the mafias liked to use them in money laundering. 

"It might be a bit difficult to cash in the bearer bonds but the other should be easy enough. You'll likely need to show proof of Identity and the death certificate of your mother. When you do you'll have a small fortune on your hands, Sky. There's more than a million in bonds alone. Add in the bearer bonds and the stocks you could be a multimillionaire." Wyatt tells her as he goes through the papers and does a mental calculation of the bonds alone. "We'll have to call a stock broker to find out how much you have from the stocks. Although the dividends from the stocks should be set into a bank account."

"Yeah, this one I think." Sky says more than a little breathless from the amount that was last entered into the bank register. The account is set for that bank.

Wyatt looks to his mate, "What do you want to do with all this?"

"We'll take the stocks and bonds with us. I want to talk to the bank owner about the balance. I don't think I want to take the money out of it at this time."

"He might be able to cash in the mature bonds as well. That will make things safer for them." Wyatt tells her.

"Yeah, I think that might be safer." Sky says nearly choking at the final balance Wyatt shows her of the bonds and can only imagine how much the account had grown. Her mother never seemed to spend any money for their upkeep. She always had money and would buy Sky anything she needed including electronics. She hadn't batted an eye about the price of her university education either. Sky had never questioned it. She had always thought that the boyfriends had paid for everything.

Perhaps they had and then some.

The amount that was in the bank account astounds her. She is most definitely a millionaire. She withdraws the money amount that Wyatt had used on tickets and hotel rooms and what not and gave it back to him.

"You said that I was your alpha then it is my duty to take care of you." Sky says when he tries to refuse the money. With her words he gives in.

They eat lunch before heading to the last bank.

Sky is apprehensive at what she'll find at this location. If there was more than two million in bonds and money in the last account and box what will there be in this one? 

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