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Kacey is furious at the man that ruined everything. He has a special death planned for him and he's sure that his brothers will go along with it. But first, he needs to do his best to mend things between Kelly Miles and Amy. She needs to be with someone that will take care of her and love her like she has never received from her father. He's only heard good things about Kelly.

It takes him several minutes to convince him to come over. He told him that his mate was forced to act the way she did or her father would have killed her. He told him that her father will be put to death for his actions against her and against the alphas.

Reluctantly Kelly agrees to come over to hear what exactly happened the night before, but makes no promises that he will accept her. It was the best that Kacey could do for her. He just hopes that it will be enough to repair her chances with him.

He knows, they all know, that there is no way Sky will ever forgive them for this. There is no way that she'll believe that they were under a magic spell so he prepares himself for the pain of losing his mate.

It doesn't take long for the pack to assemble for the meeting. Especially not after they hear about what happened at the party the night before. They have no doubt that Sky will be rejecting their alphas. There are many expectant faces in the crowd. Some that are neutral and a few that are downright sad.

The ones that have sad faces are the ones that the alphas mark. They are the ones that have been most loyal to their luna and don't want her to leave. They also mark the ones that are the most exultant. Those are the ones that want Sky gone. Among those is Amy's family. Kacey looks at them and gives them a smile. He hides just how much he's looking forward to their punishment.

"Tandy is wanting to reject her piece of ass shit mate as well. Will that be possible?" Sky asks all but spitting hostility.

"Of course, Sky. Will she be going with you?" Kacey does his best to not get upset with her. His wolf is hiding in shame from their actions the night before.

"Yes, her and Wyatt both. You will still make arrangements for them?"

"Sky, anything you want, you have but to ask. I'm not making excuses for what happened. I don't expect you to believe me or forgive us, but we had our drinks spiked last night. Right before we escorted you to the party. Once we entered the ballroom is when the magic potion took affect. That's why we allowed those things to happen. We all know it won't change your decision to reject us and leave. We just wanted you to know the truth." Kacey looks around then turns back to Sky.

"Are you ready?" When Sky nods he and his brothers escort Sky and Tandy to the dais.

"Welcome back everyone. I'm sure that most if not all of you have heard about the party last night. There are some things that you don't know, that we didn't know until just a short time ago. Those things will be explained, but for now, your luna has requested this time." Kacey steps back and allows Sky to move forward.

"Tandy, would you come and join me up here please?" Sky asks pleasantly.

Tandy comes up and nervously stands in front of the whole pack.

"Bring her mate to the stage please." Sky asks the guards at the back of the room. They leave immediately and shortly return with a man that looks worse for the wear.

"You were told the day I was introduced to the pack that there would be no cheating on mates. Yet not even an hour later I found your mate, Tandy, passed out on the floor in my room because of your cheating on her." Sky turns to the alphas.

"Alphas, what did you decide upon for his punishment?"

"That will depend on Tandy. Whether or not she rejects him or stays with him." Ellis replies.

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