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"Sky, are you alright?" Alexander asks her in concern as he finds her doing her best to stand upright but failing to hide her pain.

"I think the children are making themselves ready to show." Sky manages to say before being able to stand once more. 

They have returned to the first location Sky was taken to when the fake Wyatt knocked her out. She had drawn up plans for a pack house, really a palace, for her people that wish to stay close together. Each of the peoples have their own wing so that they won't cause problems, but allows them all to have easy access to Sky if they need it. There are those that prefer to build their own houses and are thankful that they are no longer with the alphas. They hadn't liked how they treated Sky.

Alexander takes her to her room and checks on her. "Yes, it appears that they are ready to come. So ready or not my queen they are coming." Alexander tells her before sending Grey off to get Amy to help him.

When Amy had found out about Sky leaving she and her mate turned to Sky. She has many classes but spends her time with Alexander helping with the few that are in need of medical assistance. Alexander deals with most of it since his blood can heal all but death itself, but Amy helps with setting broken bones and what not.

As Sky has her children Selena shows up. "Sky, if you wish I can dissolve the mate bond at this time. They will believe that you died and so will their wolves. I can leave things as they are and you deal with them once you are back on your feet as you will."

"They are going to be punished, correct?" Sky demands after the pain of the contraction passes.

"Yes, as you said, they rejected you through actions and abandoned you for no good reason. These children will have their blood cleansed so that no taint of their grandfather will remain and they will be fully yours, no genetics to link them to their father."

"Go ahead, let them think that I died. It will shock the hell out of them when I turn up to get their blood oaths." Sky says more than a little nastily. She wants them to hurt, just a fraction of the pain she was put through before she dies as well.

"Sky, when you go to the pack to get their oath the bond will once more try to come out."

Sky shrugs but just then another contraction hits causing her to scream in agony.

"I saved their asses and they kicked me to the curb. I loved them and they hated me. I'm done and I'll make sure that they know that. I might not live much longer, but I'll make sure that they die alone."

"You don't have to die, Sky." Selena tries to reason with her.

Sky laughs bitterly, "I trusted you enough to try having mates. What they did was far worse than that bastard did to me in college. I've had enough, I won't accept any other mates. I've done what you asked of me and no longer wish to suffer for coming back here. Not like this, not this pain. Not the hate that I feel for Wyatt. It's all that I can do to not kill him."

"It is your destiny to have many children Sky." Selena tries to reason with her once more.

"Fuck destiny. I have done all you have asked. I united all the fucking packs together. I became what my knights called me, queen. That is enough. Let my children bear that burden. Even now I feel my wolf fading. She needs the anchor of her mates."

"You have second chance mates." Selena tries to tell her but Sky cuts her off with another scream and then falls unconscious.

Alexander and Amy work quickly to take the children out by C-section and keep their queen alive. Finally Alexander forces his wrist into her mouth and lets the blood go down her throat.

Some time later she awakens with her knights surrounding her along with Anastasia and her mates.

Sky smiles bitterly, "I see that I survived. How are my babies?"

Alexander leaves and returns shortly carrying a child and has the other two vampire guards carry in her other children.

"She is the oldest and is the biological child of Kacey." Alexander tells her but Sky sees nothing of Kacey on her daughter and gives a silent sigh of relief.

Grey hands her a boy, "He is the biological son of Ellis." Sky takes her son and once more looks him over and is relieved once more to see nothing of his father in him.

Anastasia takes the two babies from Sky before Drey gives her the final child. "This is the biological daughter of Leroy."

She sees herself and some of Brandon in her daughter, but never thought that Brandon looked like his father. She smiles it will be good for Brandon to take care of his sister and she look like him.

Sky looks at her knights and those bonded to her. "I want your promise that you will raise them to lead and protect our peoples. I want them to be the best that they can be and you will need to teach them. Since their fathers have sadly rejected them and myself."

"You will be here to teach them everything they need to know, Sky." Anastasia tells her with tears in her eyes. They have become very close friends and Anastasia doesn't like her talking like she won't be there much longer.

Sky smiles sadly and once more looks at her daughter. She gives her a name and exchanges her with for her son. She looks at him and gives him his name.

She exchanges him for her first born and gives her name. Then with tears in her eyes tells them what she would like her knights and bonded to do. They swear that they will do as she asked and then Alexander gives her blood once more.

"Thank you, all of you. I'll be leaving my children in your hands when the time comes and I know that you won't fail me."

"I won't be able to stay until they are older, Sky." Alexander tells her regretfully.

Sky turns her full attention to him and demands, "Why?"

"With your death my bond will go to your oldest. It has been my experience that young children lack understanding in certain areas. Should I be ordered to hurt or kill her siblings by her I will have no choice but to carry out the order. I have no wish to do so and fail you in that. I wish to be a counsellor to her no more."

"I see, yes, you will be excused until she matures enough to take you in your proper role. You will need to visit the court from time to time to evaluate her and give council." Sky replies thoughtfully and Alexander nods in acceptance of her words.

"I had hoped to make you my queen," Alexander says the words softly so that only she can hear.

Sky smiles and shakes her head. "No, you need to choose one of your own people. Besides how could you remain my knight if I became your queen?"

"It is something my people have requested as well." Alexander tells her softly shocking Sky more than she thought possible.

"I am sorry, but no." Sky says smiling sadly before turning her attention back to her daughter. She wipes the tear that falls down her face away before the others can see it.

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