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Sky wakes up crying after what she saw, it was so real. Was it merely a dream?

Kacey and the others wake up as well. Kacey pulls her onto his lap. His breathing is fast and hard. What the fuck had he dreamed? He thought he had lost Sky forever. He feels her babies moving and it helps to relax him. 

Her other mates wake up and have the need to touch her and reassure themselves that she is still here and hadn't rejected them yet. Their breathing is no better than Kacey's and the twins have tears on their faces at the thought of losing her.

In time Kacey is able to calm Sky enough that she goes back to sleep.

Once the others are assured that she is asleep they look to Kacey but it's Wyatt that speaks, "Just what the fuck was that?" Wyatt is the most shook up. He couldn't imagine betraying Sky like that.

"I believe that was Lady Selena warning us and giving us a chance to see what will happen if I react to the damn vampires the way I want to." Kacey says softly and lovingly strokes Sky's hair.

"What are you going to do, Kacey? You detest vampires more than anything." Ellis says thoughtfully. He still remembers what his mother said about Choline and it makes him embarrassed and shamed for how he's treated Sky when he confused her for her mother.

"I don't know. Sky will have little choice in accepting them if Selena has bargained like the dream showed us. If I accept them who the hell knows what will happen, but if I don't I lose everything."

"Including seeing our mother again. You know that Selena won't allow us to if we go against her like that if we hurt Sky like that vision showed." Leroy doesn't like what he did to Brandon as he rejected Sky. He will lose everything.

"I don't understand, there haven't been vampires around here, why do you have such dislike for them?" Wyatt asks more than a little lost. The twins also look at him for that.

"When Kacey was about sixteen or so he had a human girlfriend. A vampire killed her and the baby she was pregnant with." Ellis explains to the younger brothers.

"You know, Kacey, it was likely father that set that up. She was the only one killed by the vampire. Father hated the fact that you dated someone that wasn't in his control, someone that he couldn't fuck. He likely set her up to die by that vampire. I know that he hated the fact that she was pregnant." Leroy says thoughtfully.

Kacey looks at him sharply. Leroy laughs, "You mean you hadn't thought of that yourself? I think you are also forgetting that the baby she carried wasn't yours. She was pregnant before she started fucking you. It could have been the baby of at least half a dozen males before you started dating her. I'm not trying to slut shame her, those are the six that bragged that they slept with her, you know that." Leroy says defensively as Kacey gives him a killer look.

"I think we are getting off track here. We need to decide what we are going to do if the vampires show up tomorrow. Are we going to follow the path that was shown to us or are we going to accept the vampires into the pack and still show Sky that we do want her for our mate?" Wyatt demands. He hadn't liked the fact that he had used a young wolf to cause Sky pain and is relieved that he has the chance to make that right.

Kacey starts sobbing and he pulls Sky tighter to him. He remembers clearly the words his mother chastised him with in the vision. He never wants to see his mother that disappointed in him again. Can he give up the hatred he feels for the vampires to keep his mate?

He'll lose his mate and is beautiful daughter if he doesn't. 

His daughter, Sky is having his daughter. How can he do that to her? She was so beautiful and perfect. His daughter deserves to have both her parents at her side as she prepares to take her place as it looks at first to be Alphaluna then Queen Luna. Won't the mafias have fits about a female taking over his mafia when the time comes?

"I won't lose everything over vampires. Did you see my daughter? She's so fucking beautiful." Kacey says in no little awe of the little girl Sky will be blessing him with. He gently lays his hand on her distended stomach and immediately feels a kick. He smiles gently and pulls Sky more closely to him hugging her as he cries.

"So we don't follow the script that was given to us?" Wyatt wants to make sure that he won't be the only one to focus even more fully on his mate.

"No, we will all accept the vampires and do our best to show Sky that she is our mate and our first priority. We'll start by accepting the vampires and then we'll plan for the combined attack of the other packs." Ellis says as Kacey is still crying into Sky shoulder.

"Sky once told me it was because of a war of many of the packs against you that she came back. It was the starting of the end for wolves. The death of so many was more than she could take so she came back to stop it from happening. I think once she does that that her work for Lady Selena will be done." Wyatt tells them in the silence that had fallen.

Now he has the attention of all of them.

The twins have their eyes wide open and the whites shine in the moon light that comes in from the window. "If that is true than should she feel that we aren't truly her mates or that we don't want her then she could reject us and she'll die having completed her objectives." Leroy says softly.

"Yes, she will be able to leave us and return to Lady Selena having accomplished everything." Wyatt says now crying softly himself. He knows that it's his betrayal that hurts Sky the most. He just can't understand why he would have done that to her. It might have been his wolf that told him she was his mate but he was more than a little thrilled to discover that. He fell in love with her from the first time he saw her telling off that bitch when the alphas introduced her to the pack as their mate.

"So we accept the vampires and do our best to show Sky just how much we love her. We absolutely will not ignore her or abandon her for any time." Kacey manages to say freeing one hand to wipe the tears away. Ellis slips off the bed to get some tissue. He hands it to Kacey when he comes back.

There are a chorus of acceptance as the males all agree to that plan.

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