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"Not to be rude or anything," Sky starts saying knowing full well that she's about to be very rude. "What the hell are you doing here now?" With that all her mates come up to her doing their best to calm her down. They don't wish to lose her now.

Selena just smiles, she well knows Sky's temper and is willing to overlook it. "We thought it would be a good time to explain a few things."

Selena looks over to Anastasia and smiles, "As Sky has said, you are his second chance mate."

Anastasia is less than pleased. There are other witches that have noticed some of the wolves watching them as well and now they aren't happy either. "Witches don't have mates like wolves. We especially don't have mates with shifters. It is forbidden."

"Was forbidden. We worked it out so that there won't be any hybrids. Any children you have will either be pure shifter or pure witchling."

"Uh huh and what happened to wanting to strengthen the magic bloodlines?" Anastasia says doing her best to hold back the sarcasm. Her goddess isn't nearly as forgiving as the shifter goddess is.

"You will actually have two mates. I have already called your warlock mate here. He should be arriving shortly." Hecate tells her angry child. Seeing how angry Anastasia is Selena thinks it would be smart to add something else in to sweeten the idea up.

"You have yet to choose a familiar, Anastasia." Selena calls the wolf over and after calming him down a bit she turns once more to Anastasia and presents the wolf to her. "Clay here lost his mate and child some time ago. He was a loving mate and will be so with you as well. Just think, he could also act as your familiar increasing your magic and helping you a great deal."

Anastasia shuts her mouth at this. Most intelligent species refuse to be familiars. A shifter familiar would make for a strong focus. She turns her attention to the silent wolf. She does her best to ignore his nakedness, although his looks certainly don't hurt any. "Being a familiar lasts until one of us dies and if it's me then you are likely to die as well. Would you be willing to be with me like that?"

"You would reject me if I don't. We are already bound by the mate bond until death unless you reject me. I have no desire to lose a second mate. I will be willing to be your familiar as long as you promise to think about mating me and allowing me to mark you once you have gotten to know me better." Clay tells his new mate. He had never thought he would have a second chance at happiness and had only wanted to rejoin his mate and lost child and cursed his wolf for being so strong as to survive for so long without them. 

Now his entire focus is on his new mate. He doesn't care that she's a witch. All he can see is that she's beautiful and he wants to be with her. He aches to be near her and if all she'll allow is for him to become her familiar then he'll accept it with the possibility that she'll accept him fully in the future. The thought does run through his mind that she might not be a good person, but he instinctively knows that Sky is a good person and if she fully accepts the witch then he does too. Although that could be because his wolf wants to have a mate once more and doesn't care much about anything else.

Anastasia looks over the shifter and can't deny that a shifter, although of low magic would make a powerful familiar. She also has no doubt that he would be a very acceptable lover if she ever decided to go that way with him. Looking at him she responds to him like she hasn't ever responded to another before. Not to say that she hasn't had lovers, she just didn't respond as completely as she is now.

"If you are willing to make the bonding as familiar I will be willing to give you a chance to be a full mate as well. I am not the type that just accepts any one in my bed." Indeed most of her lovers were well planned ahead of time and it was usually for a time when sex was needed in a ritual for some magic or another. Very little passion, but very enjoyable.

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