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The moon goddess is less than pleased at what is happening with her children. She is even less pleased with the children of her sister.

"You called Selena?" Hecate demands. At least that's the name she's going with right now.

"Because of the rebels among your children you damn near made it so that my children will die. You need to get them under control." Selena says coolly but Hecate can tell that she's furious.

Hecate on the other hand is more than a little amused. She even wears a small smirk. That falls quickly though. "If I don't?"

"Then I'll have my children declare open season on witches. They will die, but they'll take your children down with them."

Hecate stares at Selena in horror. There has always been a tentative relationship between the shifters and the witchlings. An uneasy truce that has been breached by one or the other at times but never open all out war. The shifters would decimate her people. Many of the shifters can tell when magic is used or being created. They would find and destroy the witchling homes and places of strength.

"You can't do that, Selena. For the actions of one you would destroy all of my children?"

"For the actions of one, my children could have been destroyed. The only reason why I'm giving you this chance to fix things is because some of my children were also involved. You've been warned about allowing your children to delve into the forbidden parts of magic. You have done nothing to them. Now it is time to do so."

Hecate sneers at Selena, "Oh and what are you doing to your children to punish them?"

"Those that used the potion were already killed, rather brutally. Would you like to see?" Selena asks her sneering sister. They aren't any closer than their children are.

Hecate isn't sure that she does but takes the way Selena is looking at her as a challenge. "Yes."

Selena hides her pleasure at this. She shows what Kacey and his brothers did to Amy's family. By the time it is over Hecate is more than a little sick at what she saw.

"That will be what's in store for your children should any more black magic or magic of any kind be used to harm my children. That is my promise from me to you, Hecate. We can't afford to have the normal humans find out about us, but if my children die so will yours. Any that my children miss will be hunted down like in times past."

"I will make sure that any that delve into the forbidden magics will lose their magic immediately. Their friends and family will reject them and they will be banished and exiled from all things supernatural."

"What will stop them from going to the hunters then?" Selena scoffs.

"They will have no ability to destroy their people or yours. Not in any form." Hecate assures her.

"Like my daughter, I don't believe you Hecate. I've had your assurances before and you didn't follow through. You have a very short time to prove things to me.  Not sure how you are going to do that."

"You can help me set the spell. I'll let my children know tonight on the new rules and restrictions and price of breaking them."

"Tonight. Very well. We'll meet back here tonight and I'll set my magic in with yours to hopefully help both our children survive into the future."

Selena watches her sister leave and shakes her head. She's not sure that she can truly believe in what her sister promised, but she'll do her best to make sure that it happens.

Then Selena turns her attention back to her daughter to see how she's doing in her quest to help the shifters to survive.

She smiles as she watches her cat people, the ones that helped the alphas to obtain Sky once more, make their way to the borders of the Legrand pack territory.

This should be interesting, Selena thinks to herself. 

She knows that Sky has warned the alphas of the need for the other shifters to be accepted as part of the pack. Now to see if the alphas listen to Sky or if they will continue to waste their given chance to reclaim their mate.

She is less than thrilled with how the alphas are doing along those lines. She can feel Sky's unhappiness. Only Wyatt has spent much in the way of time with her when he isn't doing business for the pack. The only time Kacey spends with her is while she is in the study working on plans for new buildings, like the new orphanage that she designed.

She is less than pleased that the other alphas have made no moves to spend time with her. It won't be long before Sky will be rejecting the alphas if they keep this up. This displeases Selena a great deal. She went to a great deal of effort to get Sky born and to the Legrand mafia. She doesn't like to see her efforts wasted after all is said and done.

She has no desire to see her children die, but she understands and will accepts Sky's decision to reject them if they don't change soon.

Selena frowns as she sees how many of the small group actually make it to the pack boundaries. Where are the others? This is only about half of the shifters that should be there.

Selena back tracks them and sucks in her breath deeply. Hunters, they have killed and captured many of the cat shifters. Then she looks at the other captives the hunters have. Her eyes widen. She didn't think any of them survived.

Selena smiles, perhaps she can save even more of her children than she thought still survived.

Those hunters are far too close to the Legrand territory for the alphas to be able to ignore the threat they pose. Perhaps it's time for the hunters to find out how painful it is to lose your people in an unprovoked attack like the hunters have done for centuries. But in  this case, it is very much provoked. Very much indeed.

Selena watches in pain at what the hunters do to their prisoners. 

Her silent tears fall down unheeded.

That is how Hecate finds her some time later.

She looks to see what Selena is crying over and her temper flares. "I will have my children help against them, sister."

"Thank you." Selena says giving them one last look before turning to her sister. They perform the spell that will seal the powers of those that go to the dark arts and cause the inability to betray the supernaturals to the hunters or those that would destroy them.

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