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Sky is floating in darkness. It is comforting and silent. She relaxes like she never allowed herself to do before. She sighs out in relief. No more worries plague her. 

Slowly memory comes back. As she remembers Tandy and Wyatt and them fighting the kind of men her mother dated. She knows then that they were attacked by a mafia. That makes her sad since she doesn't know what happened to her friend and mate.

"Sky," a voice says and Sky tries to locate the sound in the ever present darkness.

"Sky, I welcome you," the voice comes once more and this time Sky could tell that it was a female and that it was coming from a certain direction. Turning her gaze to that direction she notices light.

Sky is drawn to the light.

"Please, have a seat Sky and make yourself comfortable." The female, the same one that has visited Kacey and his brothers says and motions for Sky to sit and make herself comfortable.

"So am I dead? What about Wyatt and Tandy?"

The female smiles softly. "No, you aren't dead just yet. Your mate will be fine until you die then he will fade and join you here as well if the alphas don't kill him first. Your friend Tandy is fine, but she thinks that she has failed you and is heart broken that you are dying."

"So I am dying then. Who are you?" Sky asks the strange female that she's talking to.

The female smiles once more. "I am the moon goddess. I am the one that worked with the creator to make all the were animals. I saw how the humans were killing all the animals and went to the creator about it. I asked him to give me some of his children so that I could place some of the animal spirits in their bodies to be protectors of the animals. He agreed and he helped me make the first shape shifters. Now most of my children are dead. The werewolves are the largest group of them to still live. The others that survive will die soon unless things change since they are scattered or near extinct."

"Okay, sorry to hear that, I'm sure that it isn't easy to watch them be killed or whatever."

"No, it isn't. So I went to the creator once more and I was given one more of his children. I'm sorry, Sky, it was my fault that your mother was punished. I was the one that caused the old alpha to give her the punishment. I was the one that chose the one that would be your father. You were clever enough to follow the clue to find out the truth about your past.

"I would like you to meet your wolf." The moon goddess says and motions and  the largest wolf Sky had ever seen or even heard of walks over to them. "This wolf spirit is the first of the wolf shifters. She is very old and very powerful. She has been waiting for a very long time to gain her life and be a part of a human pairing. The problem was that she is too strong for just one person to be mated to her. So we've had to wait until the time was right and there were six wolf shifters that could be your mate. That only happened with Lawrence making the six children. I wasn't sure that he would make the last one, Wyatt. But he was far enough gone that he forgot to take precautions against pregnancy. He left Wyatt's mother alone once he violated her and never bothered to find out that she was pregnant. He died with out realizing that Wyatt was his child. It was just as well for Wyatt.

"But that is neither here nor there. What does matter is that you are dying. You can live if you accept your wolf. By accepting your wolf you will be instrumental in helping me save my people, my children. They will come to you for sanctuary and you will be given knights to help you protect them. They will also be required to help my people by fathering children. The females that don't have mates, that have lost them or that have been rejected by theirs and they want children.

"Once other kinds of shifters come they will need new blood. I will need the knights to mate with them as well. The children will be either the animal of their father or the animal of their mother but they won't be hybrids. It could be possible that a woman will have twins and one will be wolf and another will be one of my other people."

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