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Sky decides to take a bath to see if that would help make her relax. That is until she looks at the controls. "Shit, you need a guide for dummies just to use the controls on this thing. How hard can it be to turn on the bloody water?" Sky tries to decipher the icons on the control pad but decides that she's not smarter than the electronic control pad. 

She sadly turns from the control and heads out of the bathroom and goes to her bed instead. The two wolves whine not sure how to help her feel better. "It's not your fault I'm not smarter than an inanimate object. You wealthy people just have to complicate something as simple as drawing a bath." Sky sighs and closes her eyes. She feels one of them jump onto the bed and worried that the frame wouldn't take the weight. "If you break the bed you get to tell Kacey why."

Sky tells him absently as he lies down by her side and she starts to scratch him. Pretty soon he turns onto his back and whines until she scratches his tummy. "You like that don't you Floyd?" She then looks around to see where Lloyd disappeared to. "Hey, where's your partner in crime?"

That's when she hears the sound of the bathtub filling with water. "What in the world?"

"It's okay Sky, I wrapped a towel around me. If you come in I'll show you how to work the controls. I'm sorry that I didn't do or say anything at the pack meeting. It should have been us that told that bitch off and I don't blame you for going off on her or us. WE deserved it just as much as they did. Please don't give up on us?"

"Thank you for your apology, but it's going to take more than words Lloyd. I also thank you for changing so that I can have my bath. Afterwards, do you think you and your brother would be willing to take me to the study to find out what the results are. No offense, but I truly hope that your father isn't mine."

"So do we all, Sky. So do we all. The last things we want is for our mate to be our sister." Then he smirks.

"That's not what I meant."

"I know," and he loses the smirk. "For your sake I hope you aren't either. I would hate to think that his blood taints someone so pure and beautiful as you." 

With his words Sky blushes a deep red. "I'm not that beautiful, Lloyd. The females of your pack are all more beautiful than I am."

Lloyd snorts in derision. "Some of them, that's true, but their attitude and actions haven't gone unnoticed by us. Some of them have been reprimanded for how they treat others. They have shown just how ugly they are inside. That forever spoils what is on the outside.

"For the record, I think what you said was far over due to be said. Far too many of our pack mates have been harmed from the actions of their cheating mates. I'll talk with my brothers and find suitable punishments. We can't afford to have our people pulled from missions due to the debilitating pain caused from wandering mates."

Sky smiles but it's weak.

 "Ah, I see you don't believe me. I guess we've given you plenty of reason not to."

Then he shows her how to work the controls before leaving her to enjoy the bath in solitude. That's when she notices that he added bubble bath for her.

She smiles and makes sure that the door is locked before undressing and climbing into the tub. She sighs in pleasure as the heat covers her.

Once the water gets high enough she turns the water off and just closes her eyes and relaxes for the first time since she got to the house.

She loses all track of time and is startled awake when a voice near her ear speaks. "Are you still alive? If you still want to look at the results you should get out now. If you don't you should still get out, the bed won't drown  you." There is definite amusement in the voice.

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