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That night as all tasks are accomplished all the brothers slip into the room and turn into their wolves. The need to be with their mate is too strong to ignore and they know that she won't be happy to have their human halves there. She seems to enjoy having the wolves around her, though, once she got over her fear of them the first time she saw them.

She had a right to be afraid of them. She is the first person outside of their immediate family that their wolves would let near them. Yet, with her they only want to cuddle with her or play with her. They don't like it when they hear her being put down by the other members of the pack. They are getting impatient with their human halves on how much disrespect they are hearing.

Kacey is having such a hard time controlling his wolf that he's changing the punishment from whipping to death for the disrespect if it continues. He won't have much of a choice. It's a matter of his wolf taking over if he doesn't.

He sighs contentedly as he makes his way over to Sky and finds a place where he can feel her and smell her scent before finally relaxing into a deep sleep. The first one that he's felt in some time, if ever.

Sky doesn't want to wake up, but nature is calling and she really has no choice. When she does she finds herself surrounded by wolves and unable to move. She's practically growling at them all to wake up and move so that she can get to the bathroom.

The wolves make no move to do so and it isn't until she threatens to never speak to or touch them again that they move. They move so quickly that she rolls off the bed. The space that had been occupied by a wolf no longer occupied and nothing to stop her as she turned over in her attempt to get up.

She unwinds the bedding from her body as she scrambles to get up and rush to the bathroom door. She spends time in there calming down and overcoming her embarrassment from the earlier fall. By the time she comes out she has her emotions under control but they can feel her unhappiness and it makes the wolves go from smiling their wolfy grins to whining and looking down.

"I know you want to be near me. That's fine. I appreciate that you are all in your wolf forms as well. Thank you. I need to be able to get up without having to fight my way in the morning though. If you are going to continue being in my bed at night like this, we're going to need to figure out a way so that it'll work, for me."

With that the wolves get up happily. She isn't going to keep them from coming to her at night. That's good enough for them now. They are still not convinced that she will accept them and they don't want to push her any harder than she will bend.

Kacey slips into the bathroom and changes form. Coming out with a towel wrapped around him he speaks. "If you would like to join us for breakfast? While you get ready we'll, some of us at least, will as well. I think Floyd and Lloyd will remain if wolf form until later. Don't worry, they'll eat when they get hungry." Kacey says as she's about to speak. He was guessing what she was going to say.

"You didn't get much sleep last night did you?" Sky says instead.

Kacey chuckles. "I got more sleep and better than I usually do. That was the best nights sleep I've had in a long time. Don't worry about us. If we need it, we'll find time for a quick nap."

Slowly Sky nods. She's not really sure that she wants to have breakfast with the other members of the pack.

She meets the other alpha's just outside her door. Wyatt is there as well. "I wouldn't think that you would be here this morning since all the alphas are as well." Sky says when she sees her bodyguard.

Wyatt smiles at his luna, "I was informed that they have business after breakfast so I would be needed. I'll be allowed to eat with you all instead of standing guard."

Sky smiles back at him. "Well I hope you enjoy your meal, Wy."

The alphas hold back their growls at how familiar she is being with her guard. Since he's the only one besides Tandy that has shown her respect, they don't want to cause problems.

More than once on the way to the dining area they hear disrespect uttered towards Sky. The alphas become more and more angry as they continue onwards. Only once did they hear any one stand up to those that were disrespecting Sky. All of them stopped as they heard the talk. 

"That human bitch can't possibly be our luna. She's not nearly pretty enough, strong enough or smart enough to be with the alphas." At her words Sky finds it hard to not let the tears out. They aren't saying anything that she hadn't already thought herself.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you Tina. She is proclaimed their mate and our luna before the whole pack. That means that you are disrespecting our luna and our alphas when you say stuff like that. They will kill you if they find out."

The first female is angry and sneers her next words, "And who's going to tell them? You?"

"She won't have to tell us, we heard you say it from your own mouth, Tina. Just because your father was favored and protected by my father doesn't mean that you won't be dealt with. We are sick and tired of the disrespect shown to our mate. Get your ass down to the cells and wait for your punishment. You are just damn lucky we haven't told every one that the punishment has changed from whipping to death yet. The others will be told at breakfast. 

"Louise, hold on a minute," Ellis says as the other girl tries to slip away as Kacey takes care of her.

"We want to thank you for sticking up for Sky. So far all we've heard was slander and disrespect. Report to the office after breakfast for a reward." Ellis tells the frightened girl in front of him.

"There is no need for a reward, Alpha Ellis. It's what any of us should be doing."

"Yes, but it isn't what any one else is doing. That is why you are being rewarded." Leroy tells the girl. 

Once the two girls are dealt with they continue on towards the dining hall. "One out of how many pack members are willing to stand up for me?" Sky asks softly so softly that the wolves around her barely make it out. Floyd and Lloyd whine at her words. The other three want to. If things continue like this she will be leaving the next day and they will lose their mate.

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