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Tandy wakes up to find herself tied tightly to a chair. She looks around the area to see what or where she might be. There is a small window high up the bare wall. The bare floor and minimal furnishings remind her of the warehouses the mafia uses and suspects that a rival mafia has them. She feels for them once the alphas find them, but then she sees Sky unconscious on the floor and all feelings of sympathy vanish.

"Both females are still unconscious. The fun won't begin until they are both awake. The boss wants to make sure that the girlfriend will see what we'll do to her if she doesn't cooperate with us."

"So that means we won't be able to have any fun now?" Tandy sneers at the disappointed voice. She is careful to make it look like she is still unconscious as they unlock the door. She is pretty sure that she'll be able to break the ropes that are tying her to the chair. The kidnappers obviously don't know that they are taking on werewolves.

"No, not until they are both awake. We are to check on them both. The boss still hasn't figured out why the one, the target passed out, we hadn't touched her or drugged her yet. We aren't to touch her other than to check on her until she comes to."

Tandy manages to keep up the pretense of being unconscious as they check on her. She didn't even respond when they slapped her hard, just let her head go as it would. But she marks that one and will make sure that he has a painful death when she gets out of there. She has no doubt that the alphas will find them and get them out of there.

Alpha Morgen gets reports back from  his men and makes the decision to call in some different shape shifters. They have a reputation of helping those they deem worthy but are very picky about whom is worthy.

When the cat shifters hear about why and who they are willing to help rescue the luna of the Legrand mafia. Having the alphas of the terrifying mafia be in their debt is something they can't pass up.

By the time the alphas walk into the office of Alpha Morgen has a plan of attack planned out and goes over it with the terrifyingly angry alphas.

"There are to be no survivors other than the prisoners that are there. Bring any of them to me, but my luna and the other female Tandy are to be given immediate medical attention." Kacey orders.

Morgen nods in understanding. He just hopes that they are able to get the kidnapped females back without them being in too bad of shape or he and his people are doomed.

He also wonders what the alphas did to cause their luna, their mate, to reject them. He and his pack follow the old ways. The mates are held in highest esteem and are to be protected and loved above all else.

He knows that his pack is small and if the alphas chose they could easily destroy his pack. That is why he became allies with the alphas when they took over their pack. He wanted to stay far away from the Legrand pack before, but he didn't think the alphas were as bad as their father. Perhaps he was wrong on that?

He'll watch and see. He doesn't dare ask them anything personal at this time and maybe never. They aren't as bad as their father but they are just as brutal to those that betray them or get in their way.

He feels for the mafia that dared move against them, there won't be any one left once they are done. He doesn't feel all that bad about that part. He will be just as happy to not have the mafia around. They have been a bad influence on the town.

He's brought out of his thoughts as his phone goes off once more.

He listens as his guards report their latest findings.

"My guards were able to get close enough to where your mate and her friend are to know that they are still both unconscious. The guards are confused because the drug they used on the friend should have worn off by now and they never touched your mate with drugs or did anything to knock her out. It seems that she passed out before the attack was finished and they have no idea why."

The five alphas look at each other worriedly. This isn't good. The only thing they can think of is either it's from her head hitting the steel support or she's dying from the rejecting her mates.

"She's going to need immediate medical help." Ellis says looking at Morgen intently.

"I'll have a medical team waiting a safe distance from the warehouse. The doctor will do what she can to help the luna."

"She better." Kacey says coldly and leaves to take a walk around the property. His wolf is going crazy. The need to help his mate, his Sky, makes it so that Kacey is about to lose control. He tears off his clothes and takes off as his wolf. The other pack members are warned and move out of the wolf's way.

Kacey is only brought back to the present time when it starts getting dark.

Before he can go back he finds the female that talked to him the morning after the party. "She might not make it, but if she does, Alpha what are you going to do to prove to her that she is of the utmost importance in your life? I am less than pleased with how you treated her before she left your pack. You need to do better. You are not your father stop acting like it and start doing what your mother taught you about mates. 

"Perhaps you need a refresher course?" The female says and Kacey blacks out and goes back in time to when he was a young child. Leroy had yet to be born, his mother was still pregnant so she wasn't balled up in pain.

"A mate shouldn't treat his other half like your father treats me. A mate should treat his other half like they are the most important person in the world. They should be more important than any one or any thing. You treat her right, Kacey. You treat her even better than your father treats Choline. You treat her like she's the air you need to breathe. You find out what makes her happy and do your best to give that to her. You give her as much of your time as you can. You will be busy with the pack and other business but you must find time to be with her and tell her how important she is, how much you love her. But most important of all will be showing her, because words don't mean much if the actions don't go along with them.

"Your father has shown you how not to treat a mate. Promise me, my little star, promise me that you will love and protect your mate. That you will do what your father hasn't, that you'll do all you can to earn her love and give her yours."

"I'll promise mama. I'll love my mate and show her all the love like you have shown me and my little brother."

"That's good my little star. That's good, I'm sure that you'll be the best of mates when you find yours. Just make sure that your father isn't around to harm her."

"I promise mama. I won't let him hurt her."

"Very good."

He comes back to himself and stares at the female before him. "How the fuck did you do that?"

The female smiles and shakes her head. "You will have just one more chance to have Sky. It might not be enough. You'll have to wake her dormant wolf to save her."

Kacey knows despair at this. "She told us that she would rather die than have anything further to do with us or the wolf world."

The woman smiles sadly. "You will need to wake her wolf to save her. That alone might not be enough. But once she awakens it will be up to you and your brothers on whether or not she stays in the wolf world. You must accept her as your luna. You must accept her as your mate or you will lose her forever and you will die alone."

With those ominous words the woman leaves and Kacey returns to the pack house once more. 

By the time he gets back and dressed it's time to go rescue his mate and destroy the mafia that dared to take her from him and his brothers, that dared to attack and nearly kill his other brother.  He had checked on Wyatt as soon as they came to the pack. It will take him a few days but he'll be fine.

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