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They get back in time for Kacey to get a few hours of sleep before he has to deal with the alpha of the other pack. It wasn't the most restful sleep he's ever had. Too many nightmares of Sky being one of the prisoners they'd freed. Sky rejecting him and his brothers then leaving just to be captured and killed by other hunters. The only reason he was able to get any sleep was because he could smell her scent and his wolf reassured him that she was safe with them.

Sky looks at him critically as they make their way to the field. "Are you sure that you are up to this? I could deal with him if you want?"

Kacey laughs humorlessly. "Not this time, Sky. Even if I didn't think I could handle it I would have to fight him. Besides, it's either I do this or we kill the entire pack. I would rather just cut out the bad parts then kill innocents."

Sky nods silently then. She agrees with him. No need to kill every one when just a few will do and not harm the wolf population as much.

They aren't very far from the field when Kacey speaks once more. "Sky," he hesitates and Sky stops and waits for him to speak once more.

"Would  you go on a date with me?"

Sky stares at him shocked. Once she gets over it, "Yes, of course I will."

"It might be a bit since there will be a great deal of work to be done."

"I understand, if this pack is any where near the mess the other one was in it will take some time, but one thing I do know, you always make time for what is most important to you. Just think about that. I know the pack is important to you, I know the mafia is important to you and your other businesses, but I'm not sure that I am to any of you alphas."

So saying Sky continues onward. Kacey stares blankly at where Sky had been before going after her once more. He feels sleep slowed and stupid and really doesn't think that this is a good idea at this time, but it can't be stopped at this late date.

When the other alpha sees him he nods and the other one nods back in respect then notices how tired Kacey appears and smirks. He's fairly sure that he will be able to take down Kacey in  this condition.

Sky is looking at Kacey worriedly as well. "Don't worry Sky, even half dead Kacey is a better fighter than the other alpha. There is a reason Kacey is in such good shape. That alpha," Leroy motions to the one facing off against Kacey, "has allowed himself and if his wolves are any indication, them as well to slack off in training. Likely because of our reputation, they haven't had to worry about other packs coming against them."

"Perhaps not, but what shape is their pack in otherwise? Will it be as bad as the Cummings pack?"

"That I cannot answer."

Chang and Seamus come up and stand behind Sky. "When we get home some of the newest pack members have requested to speak with you, Sky." Seamus tells her softly. Sky nods to show that she heard him.

Shortly after that one of the members of the other pack come forward. Legrand whispers to Sky, "That's Kelly the alpha heir to this pack."

"Alpha Kacey of the Legrand pack has challenged Alpha Winston for the pack in lieu of war between the two packs caused by alpha female Jenra's actions against a Legrand pack member. Alpha Winston as the challenged it is your right to decide which form this challenge will be in."

Alpha Winston smiles and states wolf.

At that all preliminaries are over and the fight begins.

Normally Kacey would take more time to take down his opponent but his lack of sleep worries him about how much time he has to fight so he goes for the kill immediately.

Winston isn't all that easily to take down though and he finds himself on the defensive more than he thought he would. Yet, still it only takes him a few minutes to take down the opposing alpha and rip out his throat.

There is a cry of anguish from the female Sky recognizes as one of the females the alphas were forced to date. Sky motions to Seamus and he's over to her side almost before Alpha Winston hits the ground dead.

Kelly comes onto the blood covered ground. "Alpha Kacey is the winner. Alpha, what can we do for you?"

Kacey turns back to his human form and nods to Jenra and Seamus. Seamus looks to Sky and pulls Jenra to the center of the field where Kelly and Kacey await her.

"In order for us to not kill the entire pack, your father paid the price in blood, but it isn't enough. We will require that of your sister as well. Especially since it is her sins that caused this breach in the first place."

"Alpha, would you allow me to reject her first?" One of the male wolves that was standing on the sidelines asks.

"It is your right to do so, whenever you are ready."

It doesn't take long for the male to do so and even as she collapses from the pain of the rejection Kacey rips her throat out.

"Alpha, the pack is yours. I would ask that you allow me and my mate time to pack and leave." Kelly asks diffidently.

Sky looks confused at this. "Why would he and his mate need to leave?"

"Shit, we forgot about that, well I did at least. Amy, his mate," Leroy motions to a frightened looking female. Sky gets the feeling that she's not worried for herself so much as she is for her mate. "Her family was the one that put the potion in our drink the day of the party. She lives because she did her best to try to warn us and was damn near beaten to death by her father in the process. She was exiled for her part to her mate's territory, this one. Now this is part of the pack territory and she will have to leave."

"I don't think so." Sky says determined. She strides over to the small group still standing with the dead and painted in their blood.

"Kacey, would you allow me to make the decision here?" Sky asks, but there is a bit of command as well.

Kacey raises an eyebrow and nods.

"Kelly, right?" Sky demands and he nods. "What will you do and where would you go?"

"I never wanted to be alpha, I have been accepted into med school. I would take my mate and leave the pack to attend med school with her at my side."

"Fair enough, but we are in need of doctors. You will serve your internship or whatever the doctors call it here in the pack. The long crazy hours required is dangerous among the humans. What about your mate? What would she do?"

"She had hoped to get a degree as well. She had hoped to get into the nursing school."

"Very well. We will pay for your med school and her nursing degree. Then once you are finished you will return here and serve the pack as a doctor and nurse. Since the alphas were able to get me to come back and mark me the banishment will be lifted at that time. You will both be welcomed to the pack and be valued members."

Sky looks to Kacey and then to Kelly. "Is that good for all?"

Kelly smiles brilliantly and nods his enthusiastic agreement. Sky waits with one brow raised for Kacey to speak. "Yes, that will work admirably."

"Good, now I need to look over the state of the pack buildings, and more especially for the children and females of the pack."

So saying Kelly looks startled at Kacey before nodding and leading the way to the pack. A few pack members take up the bodies of the dead alpha and his daughter and follow behind.

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