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Once more the bank owner helps her to open her safety deposit box and leaves her with her bodyguard and friend.

Sky takes things out one at a time and looks curiously at all the boxes. For that was what was in there. Some look like boxes from a jeweler. She hesitantly opens the box nearest to her. She lets out an involuntary gasp as she sees the light strike off the jewels. She holds up the bracelet from the box and is able to hold back the gasp this time.

"I'm no expert in jewels but that looks like one expensive piece." Wyatt manages to get out. If all the pieces are of equal value there's more than a million in jewels.

This time it's Tandy that comes over. She looks over the various jewels and sets them aside according to value. "I was taught how to value jewels and jewelry as part of my education. I chose to not go into the mafia business but I still know how to value the gems. Without a loupe I can't say for sure but going on low ball guess I'd say you have roughly any where from two to ten million in jewels. Not sure what these ones are so it could even be more, since I left out their value completely." Tandy motions over to the one pile. It is by far the smallest of the piles shown.

Wyatt picks up one of the rings. His eyes widen and he whistles softly.

"What is it?" Sky demands as she sees his reaction to the ring. 

"This is a ring showing the wearer as part of the Legrand mafia. Only the highest of the members have them. I've seen the alphas all have one similar. They are always made from the highest quality gems.

"I've seen this ring in a photo the alphas keep of their family. I believe their grandmother was wearing this one." Wyatt tells her softly.

There were two more rings both just as expensive as the first two.

Then there were necklaces and gem encrusted bracelets, earrings from single studs to dangling strings of gems that would reach Sky's shoulders should she wish to wear them.

"I don't know if I dare to take these out of here." Sky says softly.

"Let's have a talk with the bank owner and see if he has any suggestions." Wyatt tells her softly. He doesn't like the thought of being responsible for millions in jewels without the other guards either. That and they don't have a secure location to take them to.

Sky nods and they carefully collect all the different boxes and set them in the bag that they had brought with them. It was a nice bag, but nothing special and the boxes distorted the shape of the bag rather badly.

The bank owner sets down the paper work he was doing when they knock on his door once more.

He keeps his face impassive as they show him the boxes and asks him what he would suggest to protect them at this time.

"I have a friend that owns a jewelry shop. He can come with some armed guards to pick them up. He can clean them up and evaluate them properly. It might take him a few days but he will be able to have it done in less than two weeks, I'm sure. By then you can set up a secure location and arrange any guards that you feel necessary to transport them." The bank owner suggests.

"That will be fine. Just let your friend know that the gems have been engraved with identity numbers and I have a list of them for each of the pieces."

"I'll let him know." The owner says and picks up the phone and makes the call. The three wait until the man with his guard shows up and they make arrangements for the pickup. Sky and the man shake hands.

While that was going on none of them notice that the bank owner takes two of the rings out of the pile and sets them in his suit coat pocket.

He stands up and shakes hands with the three before they leave.

Sky had been getting increasingly nervous as time goes by. Something is going to happen and it makes her as nervous as the day of the party did.

She is prepared when they are jumped by some men when they cross in front of an alley.

Tandy manages to take down the one that stands in front of them and Wyatt starts fighting the ones the come behind them. Tandy finds herself fighting more men as they come up.

Before any of them can even touch her Sky falls unconscious.

The fight Wyatt gives is rather nasty and brutal. He takes out more than three before a knife finds itself into his back.

He continues fighting and finds another knife in his side and as then a third strike as he sees Sky fall and Tandy knocked out as well.

His last thoughts are he failed to protect his mate and where the hell was their backup?

The remaining attackers pick up both females and secure them before carrying them to a black van. The hurt and dead are loaded in another van and they all take off.

Just as the vans leave several more people come running up.

"Shit!" One says and goes over to the remaining person. "He's still alive but he's taken too much damage to heal on his own. He'll need to be taken to our doctor."

Those with him start putting pressure on his wounds and making temporary bandages trying to stabilize him for transporting to their pack doctor.

"Alpha, we got here too late. The guard is down and the females are taken. We managed to get here in time to see them take off and I sent two men to follow the vehicle. The downed man needs immediate medical attention if he is to live."

"Bring him here immediately. I'll have the pack doctor ready with a team." The alpha says more than a little sick at the report of his beta.

If anything happens to those taken or the guard dies he's sure that the alphas of the Legrand pack will kill him.

Sighing in resolution he picks up his phone and makes a dreaded call.

"Yes?" Alpha Kacey bites off.

"This is alpha Morgen. My men didn't make it in time. Your mate and her guards were attacked. Your mate and the other female were taken and the male is being brought here to try to save his life. My men arrived as they were leaving and are also currently trailing them to the location where they will be taken.

"I'll have some people watching and giving reports until nightfall when we will attack to regain your people."

"I'm on my way with about ten people and my brothers. We want to be there to take down those bastards that dare to attack what is mine." Kacey is beyond angry he is down right furious.

"Very well. I'll have people waiting for you at the airport. I'll just need your flight information. I'll be preparing for the attack while you are on your way."

"You do that." Kacey bites off before making calls to his brothers and to his private pilot. There is a non commercial air field near the pack. He'll fly to that location and be that much closer to his mate and brother.

His brothers take Sky's kidnapping about like he had and are more than ready to leave by the time the pilot told him.

It was an angry group that leaves the pack house and a trusted man in charge.

The pack members are more than a little glad that the alphas are leaving at this time. That is until they hear the reason why. Then they are more frightened then ever. Should Sky die then the alphas will be impossible to deal with. They will become like their father was.

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