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"Sky, welcome, Wyatt you are dismissed until later." Kacey says with a smile as Sky enters the room.

"Well, actually, Kacey, Wyatt needs to stay and you need to call the doctor in. We need to have him tested to find out who his father is." Ellis says stopping Wyatt from leaving the room.

"Oh, why is that Ellis?" Kacey says and nods to Leroy to call the doctor. He doesn't doubt Ellis's words just wants them clarified.

Ellis waits until Leroy is finished, he wants to see all their expressions. "It seems that father had another child after the twins. Wyatt here is Sky's mate as well."

There is absolute shock on the faces of the alphas other than Ellis. They all stare first at him then at Wyatt. The stares are more than a little hostile. "Just how do you know that Wyatt is her mate as well."

"Kacey, stop. If you hurt him I won't speak to you any more." Sky tells the angrily growling alpha.

Kacey turns his attention from Wyatt to Sky. 

"If you growl at me I'll leave right now. I don't just mean from this room. After the way your pack treats me I won't stay if my so called mates treat me just as badly."

His wolf immediately stops growling at her but turns his attention once more to Wyatt.

"I overheard him describing his mate to Sky. It was the perfect description of Sky. I told him to kiss her and Sky wasn't too happy about that. She was worried that you all would kill him and since he's been one of two people to treat her right she didn't want him hurt. I promised that he wouldn't be. He's her mate since his kissing her didn't cause any of us pain. It actually turned me on much more than I ever have been before and just being near her does that to me. 

"Whether we like it or not, he's her mate. Which could be a very good thing if you think about it." Ellis starts speaking faster to keep Kacey from losing it.

"And why would Sky having another mate be a good thing?" Leroy is the one to growl that out.

"Because, we are well known already to be her mates and that we acknowledge her as such and the luna of the pack. Having another mate to be by her side will ensure that he will fight to protect her just as much as we would. Any attacks will be centered on us and will allow him to take her to safety."

It is the words that he will protect her like they would that gets them to calm down and think things through.

"If he is our brother then we should acknowledge him as such and we'd need to restructure how we do things." Lloyd says softly after thinking it through.

"No, we leave things as they are. As long as Wyatt doesn't mind not being an alpha, at least." Floyd says after thinking about it.

"I'm not an alpha, I don't have your power and strength. I will be much happier staying in the background and protecting Sky."

Kacey is nodding to his words. "Yes, that would be best. However, Wyatt, if our father is also yours, then you will gain alpha strength at some point. Likely after mating and marking Sky. Something happened to keep you from gaining it on your own. Probably due to your mother not being from bloodlines of the ranked. But she was a damn good woman."

Wyatt nods at the words of respect from his alpha. His mother was a good woman. One of the few that refused to sleep with the alpha willingly. That was likely the reason she was punished by him years later.

"There are clothes waiting for you on your bed, Sky. Tandy went shopping on your behalf this morning. She'll help you get ready for the party."

"Something's going to happen at the party tonight, something not good." Sky says softly.

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