Part 1.1

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Changbin closed the door and turn around to look at the members, eyes still shining dreamingly. He walked carefully toward the kitchen where Jisung and Jeongin were doing the dishes, completely unfazed by the unusual sight.

"So?" He asked with a barely contained apprehension.

Jisung flashed his brightest smile, acknowledging him with a slight nod to focus on the dishes again. It was a poor trick to escape the discussion Changbin was trying to have, but Jisung had hopes that someone else would be kind enough to answer on his behalf.

He had to admit, this guy ー "Wooyoungie"ー was truly perfect for him. Handsome, smart, witty, sweet and full of humour... ten minutes wouldn't be enough to enumerate all the qualities he showcased in the short time they met.

As if it wasn't enough, he was also acquainted with Changbin's sister from their high school days and even met his parents a few times. All three liked him very much too.

How would he compete with that?

Wooyoung was genuinely considerate despite his constant playfulness and so visibly in fond of Changbin. Could a date be any more perfect?

Yet, Jisung never experienced so much animosity and bitterness against anyone. He hated his well-defined muscle, beautiful and laidback kindness. He hated all this perfection.

The innocent boy didn't do anything to deserve the resentment. Jisung couldn't tolerate his presence, his luck, more than anything, his relationship.

Each time Changbin brought a girl, Jisung felt sick. Every time he found a new conquest, he felt his heart squeeze to cry with desperation. But they were women, Jisung knew he had no chance. He couldn't ask for something he didn't deserve, something he couldn't ever get because Changbin wasn't swinging this way.

Or so he thought.

Enters Jung Wooyoung, who completely shambled every belief he ever held. A boy - a man - who succeeded where he failed for years, to reach Changbin's heart. A man who broke Jisung's already cracking heart in hundred pieces. The one who in a split second made him understand that gender wasn't the issue, had never been the issue. Despite all his efforts, he just wasn't enough to get loved back.

He was the worst.

Deep inside, he knew. Wooyoung was the type of partner anyone would dream to have by their side. The kind nobody could leave behind, knowing it was almost impossible to find a nicer person to stand by your side. It was exactly what made my heart clench harder than ever.

He could never be as good.

How ironic was it that it was also the type of men he always had a thing for? Fun, muscular and thoughtful. He was quite a lot like Changbin, in fact. No sane man would ever give up on that, he knew. He wouldn't.

He knew their relationship was bound to be stable and strong. Two perfect men, perfect together. Two halves who were meant to be with the other.

Exactly the type of relationship that lasted forever, the kind of couples who get married after a while with no surprise to any of their friends.

He didn't know when they started dating, but Jisung suspected something was going on for a while. Changbin had been different; giggly and secretive. In love.

He knew he took his time before introducing him to the members. He always did.

He only ever introduced the people - friends or more - he was completely sure he could trust.

Changbin's last relationship had left him with a scar. They were good, not the clingiest, but healthily understanding of each other's boundaries. Everything fell apart slowly. when Stray Kids heavy schedule barely allowed them to meet, it was hard to keep in contact regularly and the pressure of potentially being caught had been too much on the woman.

Jisung couldn't blame her. It was hard, at times to be in the spotlight, especially if you were not ready for it.

They broke up by mutual agreement. Changbin understood, but he hardly hid how painful the heartbreak had been. Jisung had been in the front row, tending his wounds as much as he could.

Wooyoung was from the same field, they understood each other's obligations and needs, they could even meet during work.

Yeah, this relationship could last...

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