Part 8.1

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"He's a chipmunk!"
"Ah, hyunnng!" Jisung whined, trying to hide his face behind his hands.
"Well, chipmunks are cute, aren't they?" the woman - bless her soul - kindly responded. Jisung wished his brother could be a bit more like his girlfriend.

Jisung and his brother were typical siblings. Half of their conversations were them mocking each other, and the other half were simple chats with hidden kindness. Though at times, the teasing was much more prevalent than Jisung wished it was.

"Look! he stores his food in his cheeks while chewing, isn't it hilarious??" His brother laughed, pointing at Jisung round cheeks.

Jisung quickly swallowed down his food to avoid the stares at him and pouted.

His older brother recently got engaged, and Jisung managed to get a few days off to see his family. It was his first time meeting his brother's fiance. He couldn't say he was too happy about his first impression thanks to his oh-so-kind brother's endless jokes to his detriment.

He spent a great day outside, regardless. Visiting his family had been a nice breath of fresh air. He needed the break more than he had thought.

His brother's soon-to-be bride was wonderful. She was fun, cute and more than anything, never hesitated to throw her boyfriend under the bus whenever needed. Jisung immediately adored her. He admired her wittiness and self-reliance.

They looked happy together. This was what love should be, he told himself; What he should aim for. He shouldn't make himself miserable for something he can't have.

Surprisingly, the thought hurt less than expected. Jisung took some distance recently, which helped to come to terms with his feelings.

Of course, he was far from over them, but he wasn't torturing himself as much. With Changbin away from his sight, he could ignore his boyfriend, his relationship and the heartbreak he caused. Sure, days were a bit dull, but not as painful.

It felt bittersweet but seeing his brother Jisung relished his happiness like his own.

They parted long past sunset, after a long day filled with easy banters and delicious snacks. Jisung was still smiling genuinely by the time he reached their area.

He didn't feel like going back to the dorms yet and opted for the studio instead. It was late, but the building was never fully asleep - a side-effect of being in a demanding field full of overworking people.

He headed to their usual studio and was relieved to find the way empty. As often happened, the lights from Chan's studio on the opposite side of the corridor were still on, and the door was open to welcome anyone passing by. The unmoving silhouette through the half-open door, though, was rather out of the ordinary.

It didn't take much effort to recognize Changbin, he was easily recognizable after all, though the glimpses he could see weren't like him at all. He entered while dragging his feet, leaving the door as it was.

Jisung stopped in the middle of the way, debating what to do. Should he make himself known? Leave? Go to another studio? he debated. He didn't know why it felt like he would be intruding to join them.

For 3racha the studio was an escape. He didn't want to ruin it for Changbin or himself. 

"Are you looking for something?" he faintly heard Chan ask his visitor.
"I ... just wondering if Jisung was there," Changbin replied.
"He went out to see his family. He's not back yet, I think."
"Oh, I see."

There was an awkward silence only filled with Jisung's pounding heart. He walked a bit closer, drawn by an unhealthy curiosity.

"I would ask you to listen to the demo, but you don't look like you would be very useful," Chan teased, but he heard to reaction from Changbin. "What are you doing here, by the way? Shouldn't you be out today?"
"No, why?"
"Dunno... Boyfriend duty maybe?" the leader joked, but it seemed to fall flat. "Do you want to talk, Changbinnie? You look tired.

There was another stretched silence, followed by a soft reply.

"I don't know..."
"I remember you said weeks ago you couldn't wait to have a day off when you started planning your little trip out with Wooyoung. Did something happen?"
"Not really... just..."
"Just?" Chan encouraged, "You know you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm here to listen whenever you need to."

Changbin sighed, and Jisung felt guilt creeping in for intruding. He shouldn't be here listening to their conversation. As he envied Changbin and Wooyoung's relationship, Jisung worried for his friend. Yet he couldn't help to feel a disgusting satisfaction at the idea that they had some couple issues. 

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