Part 12.1

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I don't know what I'm writing anymore and no beta so let me know if it doesn't make sense or idk
I wanted to post that for the hannie's birthday but I am in Seoul for the con and somehow my brain didn't allow me to process all the info

Jisung's slumber was disturbed by some noises and shuffles beside him. He grumbled unhappily, still caught in dreamland and too drowsy to open his eyes.

"Sleep, Sung. Don't worry, I'll be back soon, okay? We have a lot to talk about later."

Following the command, Jisung hummed, unable to resist the soft voice and comforting stroke on his hair. It didn't take long before he fell back asleep again.

Jisung woke up with the sun bathing the bed, blinding him whenever he tried to open his eyes. He didn't have to see to know the warm body beside him during the night wasn't here anymore, and his chest felt almost as empty as the bed was.

He slowly opened his eyelids to look through the room. As expected, he was alone. He suppressed the disappointment hitting him, he didn't expect much more anyway.

After dressing up quickly, he headed to the living room where Hyunjin was having breakfast while watching a drama. Alone.


"Hmm," the dancer nodded absently, his whole attention focused on the plot. "Oh, Jisung! Check your phone!" he greets him when he realised Jisung's presence.


"Did you check your phone before coming here?"

"No, I'm not sure where I left it yesterday. Why though? Do we have a change of schedule?"

"Changbin went out earlier and asked me to make sure you check your phone right after waking up if he wasn't back by then."

Jisung blinked. True, he didn't check his messages. He couldn't even remember where he dropped his phone before they... a blush crept on his cheeks. Hmm, he should focus on the topic at hand, it wasn't good for his libido to think about mindblowing sex so early in the morning.

"Go check! He'll take it on me if you don't."

"As if Changbin would ever do anything to you. All he does is pamper you." Jisung scoffed. No, he wasn't jealous, what do you mean?

"Of course, he wouldn't but he would still sulk for the next three weeks and I don't want to deal with this emotional mess between you two."

"What do you mean by the emotional mess between us?"

Hyunjin sighed dramatically, looking at Jisung as if he just said the stupidest sentence ever worded.

"Go. Find. Your. Phone," he threatened, ignoring the question entirely.

Jisung hesitated for a while. He wanted to pry further, but he wasn't ready to publicly confess he might get his heart broken by his taken bandmate after spending the night with him. Instead, he decided to follow the kind recommendation, and it didn't take long to find his phone after turning upside down his whole room.

When he returned to the living room, he was more confused and worried than when he left it.

As usual, Hyunjin picked up his mood right away.

"Didn't he send you a message?"

"I... he did but it just says 'Wait for me, we have to talk.' this sounds so scary. What should I do?" Jisung panicked.

"Don't pick first and wait. That's what he asked you to."


"No but. You know Changbin always keep his word and would never hurt anyone on purpose, and you more than anyone. Trust him. And don't move from the living room so I can keep an eye on you!" He warned.

Jisung nodded. It wasn't that he didn't trust Changbin, he didn't trust himself. He had never been the most patient person and his emotions went on a rollercoaster recently.

Waiting meant being left alone with his thoughts which rarely ended well. He wondered if he shouldn't go to the other dorm to cry for a while in Minho or Felix's arms.

Changbin came back after what felt like an eternity to interrupt his inner struggle.

"Oh, you're here," he smiled softly, as if Jisung being in front of him right now was the happiest moment of his day.

"I kept him here before he could run away!" Hyunjin claimed proudly, " Though he's been moping on the sofa the whole time."

Changbin stared at Jisung fondly, with a hint of worry that made Jisung's heart swell with hope.

"Ew," Hyunjin fake gagged, interrupting their silent staring contest. "If you excuse me I think I heard my painting calling me from the other room. No, wait. That's not far enough. Actually, I'm pretty sure I just heard Seungminnie inviting me to eat at the other dorm."

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