Part 6.1

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As often in the field, idols' activities usually piled up one after the other, sometimes leaving unexpected moments of rest. SKZ just finished the pre-recording for their performance and had free time until the final recording, much later in the afternoon.

Their manager, always caring despite the torment the members sometimes brought him, kindly allowed them to use the time as they wished.

They all opted for a resting session in full-rag mode, as they jokingly called it. Minho, Felix and Jisung took over the floor mats while Jeongin fought Hyunjin and Seungmin's affection from the chairs. Chan and Changbin were the only ones missing as both went to pick up the snacks prepared by the staff.

" Come onnnn, go mind your own business! Can't you let me in peace for like... five minutes?"

Seungmin and Hyunjin looked at each other in understanding. "No!' they happily replied.

Jeongin let out a long muffled whine.

Oh, my! Told you not to act suspiciously in public!" Chan playfully scolded when he stepped into the room.

"Go to hell, hyung," Jeongin snorted.

"You're probably the worst, you know," Seungmin deadpanned.

Chan let out an open chuckle, way too happy with his jokes.

Jisung liked these moments of peace in between activities. It wasn't always easy to be overactive, and the breaks were more than welcome to recharge his social battery.

He was laying down on the floor, cuddling with a fast asleep Felix. Jisung was ready to follow him, feeling already a bit sleepy. Before he could fall into dreamland, Changbin's ringtone resounded in the room just as he entered the room with Chan.

“Binnie hyunnnnng, your phooooone!!” Jeongin shouted to the rapper, lazily stretching his arm to give him the mobile he left on the chair.

Minho hissed, throwing a threatening finger at the maknae, "Wake him up, and I'm feeding you to my cats!" Jeongin quickly nodded, gesturing to zip his lips close, and Minho happily leaned back on the mat, patting Felix's hair to put him back to sleep.

Changbin came to pick up his phone and thanked him. The ringtone already stopped, but a small smile appeared on his lips when he checked the caller ID.

Jisung felt his body tense. Given the timing, he didn't want to listen to Changbin's phone call. He hesitated a moment, trying to think about a reason to leave the room for some time. Should he just leave? It was bound to look a bit too obvious. Was it all he could do, run away?

"Wooyoungie!" Changbin said in a disgustingly cute baby voice.

The peace Jisung felt waned immediately.
was nothing special Changbin spoke to all his friends with enough aegyo to give diabetes to anyone. If Jisung closed his eyes, he could forget momentarily that the two were now more than close friends.

"No, not at all... Yeah... but we have free time before the shooting... me too... or tonight?... oh, true I forgot you would be filming too! ... That's right..." There was a long silence, followed by Changbin's giggles. "My god, you're such a sap! Okay, I'll try to do it, as subtly as I can. If I get scolded by the management, you're responsible!" he heard his voice faintly.

Jisung had an idea of what it meant but didn't want to acknowledge it. He didn't need to hear their conversation. Why was Changbin still here? Didn't he want privacy like any normal human being? Jisung wasn't mad, he felt restless.

Out, he just needed to go out. He was doing good recently, Jisung managed to convince himself. As long as he didn't witness them, he could trick himself into a semblance of happiness.

"Ouch, I think I shouldn't have had this third Americano," he groaned as he stood up.

"I told you it would be too much!" Hyunjin replied with a smug I-told-you-so look. If only he knew.

Jisung didn't reply and rushed out of the room. He needed to gather himself and get ready for a long day before he could hide away in the peace of bedsheets where he could forget the existence of the person his delusional self dreamt he could replace one day.

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