part 3

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Today, the members went out to a cosy coffee shop after a somewhat light day of interviews. All eight of them.

They didn't do it frequently, between their busy schedules and public image to maintain, but since the team split into two dorms, it felt needed to share this kind of moment. It wasn't very discreet or peaceful to have eight ~loud~ men hanging out together, but it was hard to accommodate all of them in one dorm and they decided they better enjoy every peaceful moment they had in the comfort of each other. Today was one of those days.

In theory.

As usual, they entered by the back door. The owner was quite famous in the entertainment business for being a relatively known figure himself after appearing in a few programs. Many celebrities regularly hang out in their restaurants, bars and cafe with no fear of scandal. It was a kind of insider deal.

Stray kids didn't know them personally, but like many others, they knew their reputation and often chose their cafe for the cosiness and relative discretion. Also because Jeongin was in LOVE with their scones, and who were the members if not completely whipped for their maknae?

Jisung had been fighting with Jeongin about the supremacy of cheesecakes over scones and didn't notice right away the addition to their group.

There he was, waiting for Changbin right by the table the members pretty much claimed as theirs since the first visit.

Jisung's feet stilled suddenly when the realisation hit him. He blinked repeatedly as if it would help the illusion to disappear, wondering for a while if he was dreaming. Without thinking too much about his sudden reaction, Jeongin pushed him out of the way with a random joke.

The members greeted Wooyoung warmly and Changbin walked by his side, apparently as surprised as Jisung was.

Jisung felt a cold draught hitting him along the way Changbin passed by.

"What are you doing here?" Changbin asked, pushing a lock of hair away from his eyes with his little finger.

Wooyoung smiled, "Surprise~," he singsang, emphasising the word with an over the top gesture.

"It is for sure, how did you know?"

"I bribed Seonghwa into asking Minho."

Changbin laughed, light and fond. "Seonghwa is truly fearless," he joked.

Eyes focused on the disgustingly sweet display in front of him, Jisung felt his throat tighten. Had it always been that hard to swallow and breathe normally?

They sat down and ordered. Jisung left his own to Chan, while some members were chatting with the waitress they now were friendly with. Jisung took the time to gather himself.

He had to overcome, he had to.

Hyunjin was sitting beside him while glancing at Jisung every two minutes. When he noticed how far lost in his thoughts he was, he caught his hand.

"Are you okay?" He whispered worriedly.

Jisung forced a smile, acting as if he was simply lost in one of his frequent daydreams. It was no news that he tended to get lost in his own head.


Hyunjin's worry only seemed to grow with his answer. He knew better, of course. They were too similar and knew each other too well to get fooled that easily.

"You look off recently."


"You'd tell me, right? Or Chan if you prefer, but you'd tell us, right?"

Heart Puzzle [BinSung] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now