Part 7.2

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"So?" Minho asked when Jisung finally glanced toward him.
"Sorry, I just wanted to talk..."
Minho nodded. "Go ahead."
"I don't even know where to start," Jisung sighed.
"Take your time."

Jisung didn't say anything for while, overwhelmed by the flood of thoughts.

"Okay, this looks serious," Minho commented, "wait a minute."

He passed by Jisung to go toward the kitchen and went to the fridge to take a beer he opened right away. He gave the second one to Jisung and started moving toward his room.

"This might help. But let's go to my room to talk."
"Isn't it a bad idea to drink my problems away?"
"Unsupervised, yes. But I'm here to keep you in check, and you look like you need it right now."
"Yeah, right..." Jisung whispered pensively, his gaze on the bottle he had in hand.

Jisung wasn't a heavy drinker, but he appreciated a drink or two from time to time. It was easier to gather his mind, then.

With an umpteenth sigh, he opened the bottle to bring it to his mouth, letting the cold beverage take over his brain.

"So tell me, what are you thinking about?"

He sighed once more, hesitating. He wasn't sure he understood his thoughts; how could he share them without anyone else?

"Did you know Changbin was gay?" He decided to start.
"Is this what it is about? It's been some time already."
"No. I mean... maybe."
"Does it bother you?"
"I didn't know he played on this team and now..." Jisung paused. "Why didn't know? I thought we were close you know, but I didn't even know that."
"You couldn't know. I'm not sure he knew it himself," Minho reassured. "And he never dated men before Wooyoung."
"Did you know he swung this way?" Jisung asked, surprised by his choice of words.

Minho hummed pensively.

"You did?? Was I the only one who didn't??"
"No, no, Jisung, you're overthinking," Minho replied immediately. "We talked. When he started doubting, you know... figuring himself out.
"But why didn't he talk with me? He said I was his best friend... Why did he only talk with you?"
"He needed advice, so he came to ask a few times."
"But he could have asked me too..."
"Well for one, I'm older, and out to everyone. Also no offence, but I'm probably the one with the most experience between us."
"Did you guy ever talk about your orientation?" Minho asked.
"Everyone knows, hyung."
"Maybe. Probably," Minho agreed. "But there are never too many clarifications. He might have thought you weren't comfortable talking about it since you didn't tell him in the first place."

Jisung scowled and took another gulp of his drink. For once, the alcohol didn't feel as relieving as it used to.

"Is that all it is about? Are you sure?"
"We never spend time together since he got his boyfriend," Jisung admitted with shame.
"He's not the only one at fault, is he?"
"No. I know."

Minho didn't add anything; He didn't have to. Jisung and Changbin were adults and acted freely, he shouldn't interfere. They were close enough to call themselves family, and sometimes, words were unnecessary.

"I know it's normal. He's busy with his relationship, and I should be here for him when he has time, but instead thought... I thought I had to get myself busy too. I really tried to adjust hyung, but..."

Jisung took a long swallow of beer without noticing it, eyes focused on the gas cooker. He was so concentrated that the words seemed to slip out of his mouth without him knowing it.

"I miss him."

Minho detailed the sad face. He seemed particularly afflicted by the observation, and despite his convictions, Minho couldn't refrain from his protective instincts.

"It's normal. We miss you too."

He turned his head to face his friend and stayed still in front of the furniture, only moving his arm to drink again.

"No, it's not the same..."
"Isn't it?"
"I miss him too much."
"Then it's easy to solve, isn't it?"
"I can't... I... I do miss him, but it hurts to be beside him."

Jisung blinked a bit too slowly as if he wanted to clear his mind as the thoughts were rushing. Or maybe was he trying to get rid of the tears threatening to fall.

"I don't know what to do anymore, hyung," he whispered, fighting against desperation.
"Ow Jisungie." Minho wrapped him in a hug, laying both of them on the bed to cuddle.

Behind his reassurance, Jisung knew Minho understood more about the situation than he let out.

"You don't have to fight if it's too hard. You know you can always come to me. I am even ready to fight Chan hyung and keep you here if it can be of any help."

Jisung didn't reply, too scared sobs would come out instead of words if he opened his mouth. He hid in Minho's embrace, too tempted to accept his offer and hide in his arms forever. 

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