Part 4.1

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I'm sorry it took longer than expected... I wrote something and didn't like it so I deleted and started it again xD

There's absolutely nothing going on, just more angst because I like to make Jisung suffer it seems.


Jisung was panting, his head resting against the whole while glancing at Changbin in silence between his half-closed eyelids. He looked exhausted, sweat dripping against his temples, but more attractive than ever. He was visibly struggling with the temperature if his tee-shirt pulled behind his neck was anything to go by. As if the revealing shorts sticking so tight on his bottom were not enough to make Jisung go crazy.

Changbin wiped his face with the body towel laying on the machine and grabbed a bottle of water he readily swallowed up. His adam apple was dancing with each gulp and Jisung desperately wanted to bite it, colour his skin bright red.

Bottle emptied, he put back his shirt in place to stretch, muscles on full display, every gesture making them move and flex with tension.

So handsome, so lustfully built... his forbidden fruit.

If lately Changbin's tight clothes kinda broke his sanity, he wasn't sure the low cut shirts with no sleeves were much better. Actually, with so much space at his underarms, he was convinced a nipple could flash at any time. It was too dangerous, how come there was no law against flashing your plump chest to your gay bandmate? Jisung wished there was, hopefully, it would help his predicament.

"That was a lot, right?" Changbin smiled, interrupting his daydream abruptly.

"Yeah," Jisung breathed out heavily as he tried to gather himself.

They were alone in the gym together after Changbin dragged him; not a surprise given the time. It used to be common for them to be only the two of them, Changbin never handled well to do any activities by himself. Recently those moments were rather rare.

"But this kind of exhaustion feels good. I like to see the progress too," he said showing off his chest with a suggestive eyebrow raise.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you're broad," Jisung played out with an eye-roll.

"You say that as if you don't have the best body proportions out of all of us."

Jisung choked, fighting a blush he felt rising while his brain supplied a bunch of unwanted thoughts; Changbin wanting him as much as he did.

It was a bad idea to work out with him. It had always been dangerous, but Changbin's recent straightforward comments were a bit too much to handle. He knew it meant nothing, he never fell short of praises for Chan and Jeongin either. Despite knowing he was not any special, he couldn't help the rush of hope every single time.

Changbin laughed at his deer-in-the-spotlight face. He grabbed the towel once again to fold it like some kind of pillow and laid down fully against the back of the bench press.

"Ahhh I'm so tired," he whined once again, limbs falling by the sides of the machine.

Jisung stared. Maybe he could just touch, respectfully. Caught in some kind of trance, he came by his side. He knew he shouldn't play with fire knowing he would be the only one getting burnt, but he couldn't stop himself once the idea sprouted.

"You want a massage maybe?" He offered, knowing how much Changbin liked it.

The older wouldn't dare to refuse, he loved to be babied too much for that. Felix was usually the one to offer the massages and Changbin was the one who received them the most, too happy to have someone taking care of him the way he usually did with everyone.

Jisung was different. They weren't usually sharing much skinship. He couldn't let go of the opportunity.

He stepped behind him and his hands found easily their spot on his shoulders. He knew Changbin was sensitive, it was nothing new. Then, why did it make him shiver to hear his muffled whines whenever he pressed a knot on his tense muscles or a soft sigh of pleasure while he savoured the attention.

Jisung could only enjoy the feeling of his skin under his fingers, their proximity, the touch.

He continued for a moment, rhythm given by his slow drowsy breath. Changbin closed his eyes long ago and he looked like he could fall asleep at any time under his care. Jisung wouldn't mind, at least it meant he didn't have to think too much.

"It's kinda weird," Changbin whispered in a middle of a pleasant sigh, eyelids still shut.

Jisung froze, his fingers stopping their movement in his skin. Did Changbin notice anything? Did he finally realise what was going on in his head? He couldn't know his feelings, could he? Why was he saying that suddenly in such an ambiguous tone?

Changbin's eyes snapped open and he tapped on the back of Jisung's hand with a groan to ask him to resume his ministrations. Of course, the younger complied in a matter of seconds.

"What are you talking about?" he asked softly as if the question didn't send his heart in turmoil.

"Us... being together like that. It's been a long time. It feels weird," he answered in a nostalgic tone.

Jisung had so many words ready to slip past his mouth, so many feelings on the verge of spilling he bit his lip to keep them in.

A sudden noise from the entrance made them jump suddenly. He immediately interrupted his massage, straightening his back to keep a more suitable distance from Changbin.

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