Part 4.2

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Jisung was barely surprised to see Chan's fluffy hair pocking from the door's frame seconds later. Only their leader could think it was a good idea to start working out in the middle of the night. He wouldn't even be surprised if the older planned to grab food and go back to work afterwards either. He was this kind of workaholic freak; He was more surprised to see two other members with him.

"Oh, I didn't know you guys would be here?" Chan said, followed by Jeongin and Felix.

"Yah, you guys said you were too lazy to work out when I asked earlier," Changbin whined, standing up from his improvised nest.

"Chan hyung promised to buy us food if we joined him today," Jeongin shrugged, unfazed by Changbin's pout. "Sorry, but you can't compete."

Of course, Changbin whined more, complaining about the lack of support. "I could buy you food too! You didn't even listen to me."

"I choose my company," Jeongin retorted.


"Sorry hyung, I still love you," Felix chuckled, going for a hug Changbin easily melted in, "I just love Chan more!" he joked, Changbin pushing him right away to complain against the betrayal.

"You guys suck! Tch, I can only trust, Jisung. You don't deserve my affection."

Jisung knew shouldn't be overthinking every single thing, but he couldn't help replaying Changbin's words again and again. It was no big deal, but it seems that being deprived of his usual interactions, everything took more meaning than usual.

At the side, Jeongin and Felix were following Chan's every move like two baby ducks behind their mom. He watched Felix trying to stretch with his oversized covering his head every two minutes until he got caught in the mess of clothes, Jeongin laughing at him with no shame and Chan rushing to help him out - talk about being whipped, he wasn't the only one.

It was cute, though it seemed Jisung's eyes could never leave Changbin for a long time whenever they were in each other's proximity. he wished he could focus on them instead of getting lost in his head again, feeding hopes that he mattered as much to changbin as the older mattered for him.

Even if he knew it was futile, it gave him enough strength to dare to invite Changbin again; today had been special and he didn't want it to end just yet.

"Are you doing anything tonight? Jisung asked, hating that his voice looked so pleading.

Changbin opened his mouth and closed it back, biting his lips. When he looked down, his hand messing his hair, Jisung didn't have to hear the words know what he would say. He was too aware of the change of atmosphere to be surprised by the reply.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, I promised Wooyoung we'll go out once I was done," Changbin mumbled guiltily.

"Okay..." he replied him after a short silence, trying his best to hide the bittersweet taste rolling on his tongue. " No big deal, I just thought it was worth asking."

He kept hoping, he did, but what for? After all, he knew Changbin was spending less and less time home; they became clear number two in his life.

Jisung couldn't even complain about Changbin and Wooyoung spending too much time together, for a couple, he was aware of how few opportunities they had to meet each other. Despite making effort to clear their schedule whenever possible, they barely saw each other once a week.

Their everyday life was already filled with work and Changbin was doing his all to avoid repeating the mistakes from his previous relations.

They were working and living together, he couldn't ask for more. He had no right to.

"Jisung, if you want..." Changbin's eyes didn't look away from him and Jisung hated how it felt like he could read him like an open book.

He forced a smile and interrupted him before he could complete his sentence. "No problem, hyung," he sounded sharper than he wanted it to be. "Felix! Is Minho home by the way? I wanted to show him this video I found yesterday but he hadn't been replying to my messages..."

He tried to joke, but from the way Felix glanced around for help, he bet his face looked more imploring than he wanted it to be.

"I... yeah, I think he is? He said earlier he didn't want to leave his room with this cold."

"Thank you."

In a second, he was out of the room, not caring about what the other would think about his reaction. Right after, he heard steps behind him.

"Jisung... are you okay?" Chan called behind him.

"I have to be," he choked, rushing out without looking back.

Right now, all he needed was to leave, move on and forget.

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