Part 11.1

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I'm sooo sorry for the two decades without updates....
I re-wrote this chapter about 3 times because I really didn't like the flow and it felt kinda off? This is still not satisfying, but it is an improvement (I think?)
Not much plot in this part, consider this chapter my apology candy. Mayyybe?????

CW: bottom changbin // poor writing // bad smut 
Don't mind the awkward scenes and wording, I'm out of practice >,<

Skip this chapter if you're uncomfy with smut (part 1 and 2)


They separated to meet again until Changbin pushed him slowly against the mattress. After a short hesitation, he climbed on top of Jisung. His eyes were darker than usual, filled with more desire than Jisung ever saw them, and he struggled to believe he was the one who made him like that.

"Is this okay?"

Jisung smiled in surrender. He didn't have the heart to fight when he was finally facing his dreams come true. Even if it was not bound to last, he wanted to savour the moment.

They kept kissing with more passion and desperation than they thought they had in them. Their brains were clouded by desire and increasing lust, while their touches were soft and full of dedication.

Changbin pressed against him, his right leg bent against Jisung's crotch, and a whine left his lips before he realised it.


Jisung's hands clenched on Changbin's shirt as the other explored his body. It was overwhelming to feel him so close, hands and lips all over his skin.

"Let me take that off," Changbin panted.

He didn't move for a moment before he began to unbutton his shirt with a teasing smile. Jisung was losing it. This couldn't be real. The clothes unveiled his muscles slowly.

Jisung gulped his throat suddenly dryer and his pants tighter. He stared at the drop of sweat falling down Changbin's neck to his pecs, hypnotized.

"You're so... wow."

Changbin laughed.

"I'm glad to know my efforts were not in vain."

Desire overtook him fully and Jisung couldn't resist anymore. He pulled Changbin in a rush, open-mouthed kiss. He pressed his boner against Changbin's tight.

"I need you, hyung. You're going to be good for me, right?"

Changbin groaned. "Yeah."

Jisung pulled him down on the bed to lay on top of him.

He took off his clothes, each layer too suffocating for the heat of his body.

"Can I?" Jisung asked hands on the edge of Changbin's jeans.

The older nodded and Jisung unbuttoned his pants with trembling hands, revealing the bulge barely hidden by his underwear.

Jisung rolled his hips as he kissed the bare chest in front of him, attacking Changbin's nipples with his mouth.

Changbin's hand clenched on his biceps and panted at the ministrations. They separated for a minute, just long enough to get rid of the last layers of fabric between them.

Mesmerized by the view, Jisung took his time to engrave each line of the naked body in his memory. He couldn't tell if the opportunity would arise again, but he would make sure it would be unforgettable.

"You're so beautiful, hyung, you have no idea."

Before Changbin had time to answer, Jisung went between his tights and grabbed his dick delicately to put him into his mouth.

Changbin's head fell against the pillow with a guttural moan. "Oh fuck, Sung... warn a man."

Jisung looked up at him, eyes clouded by lust and desire as he took the length as far as he could.

"And don't look at me like that," Changbin winced, "I'm going to come before we even get started."

"I don't mind," Jisung replied before he started sucking at the head eagerly.

He swallowed him whole diligently, spit falling along his shaft to his ball. He used his fingers to spread it down to his crack, teasing the small opening of his hole.

Changbin winced. "Sung, lube..."

Jisung moved away unwillingly, a small pout on his lips covered in a lustful mix of spit and precum.

"You're going to kill me."

"In the bag," Jisung pointed at the bedhead.

He kept stroking Changbin lazily, kissing the red head of his dick from time to time, making it harder for the older to find the lube. He finally picked up a pocket-size bottle of lube from the bag and gave it to Jisung.

"You're not making it easy for me," he complained, voice strained by his efforts to not burst a nut right here and there.

Jisung never felt prouder of his effect on someone. He was glad to finally have Changbin look at him properly.

Jisung spread some lube on his fingers and tease Changbin's hole open as carefully as he could. He was aware Changbin probably never had anything in before and they didn't discuss it properly before, but he just gave him the lube, so it had to mean something right?

"I trust you, Jisung," Changbin said as if he heard his thoughts.

Jisung nodded and pressed a finger in. Changbin gasped at the intrusion, but there was no pain in it. He worked his finger in and out slowly, pushing to loosen the ring of muscles. Encouraged by the soft sighs of pleasure, he poured more lube and pushed a second finger in. Changbin's body jolted uncomfortably and Jisung stilled.

"Is it okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, just... not used to. You know."


"I want it Jisung, I want you," Changbin reassured. "And I played with myself before, but this is... so much more."

Jisung took a deep breath, his painful hard-on throbbing between his legs at the words. As much as he wanted to touch himself and have changbin touch him, he needed to focus on preparing him.

He didn't have the biggest dick out there, but he was thicker than two fingers. He needed to make sure this would be pleasurable for Changbin. His first time with a partner of the same sex. Their first time together.

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