Chapter 1: Where It All Began

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WARNING: Kidnapping and trafficking


~| Deku pov |~

Ochako and I were hanging out in the park eating hot chips and telling each other funny stories, I grabbed another chip while intensely listening to her story and laughing at the joke she had made.

"That's the best one yet!" I said through my laughter.

"It wasn't that good" she shyly says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

I grabbed the trash and stood up.

"I'll be right back don't go anywhere," I said.

She giggles while I walked to the bin and threw the cups in the bin, but as I did there was a scream. I spun around and watched as a man threw Ochako into a bag, I reached out only to be pulled back by a man in a mask.

"GOT HIM!" The man shouts throwing me over his shoulder.

I squirm around trying to get out of his hold and punched his back repeatedly.

"OCHAKO!" I shouted.

"IZUKU!" She shouts back.

I twisted to look behind me and see a bag with her body wiggling around in it. The men open the trunk and threw the two of us in, I quickly rip the bag and pull Ochako out and hold her to my chest.

"It's alright we'll be fine," I said hiding my fear. I released calming pheromones as a way to calm her down and sighed when I realized it was working

"Are you sure?" Ochako inquires as she tried to look around.

I nodded and held her close as her body trembled.

Where are they taking us...

It was dark and I realized that there were other omegas in the trunk, but they had collars on and they looked like they had been beaten up. It scared me more knowing that we could possibly die here and never see the outside world again.

We have to get out of here...

The car slows down and comes to a halt, I could hear the car doors open and shut. There were footsteps and voices from outside, but I couldn't make them out. The trunk doors open and a group of men stand there with animal masks covering their faces.

"Let's go!" The middle man orders.

The men started grabbing the omegas and then one of them reach out towards us and grasped our ankles, He pulls us towards him and throws us over his shoulders.

"Let us go!" Ochako and I yelled.

"Oi quiet!" He growls.

We didn't stop and kept protesting until we were thrown into a cage. Like where animals were usually locked up. I paced up and down while Ochako sat there with a terrified look on her face.

"Don't worry Ochako I'll get us out of here" I said with confidence.

"Izuku stop it! We aren't getting out of here!" She shouts as tears in her eyes form.

"Don't say that Ochako I'll get us out of here I promise you!" I said being shocked at her attitude.

I sat down beside her and put my arm around her, she huddled closer to me for more warmth since it was freezing.

"Izuku I'm scared," Ochako says with fear.

"I know but we'll be alright if we stick together," I said hugging her.

As long as we stick together...

- T

Okay so this book is going to have a few warnings:

- Mentions of human trafficking
- Rape
- Omega Slavery
- Foul language
- Smut
- Guns
- Gore/Blood
- Panic Attacks/Trauma
- Violence

Also, I don't think (T) mentioned this but they were taken as kids which means they're like- 7-8 and just found out they're omegas.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

-T and L

Love you guys - L

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