Chapter 3: The Big Bosses

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This pic tho 😍

~| Deku pov |~

They threw me into a dark room and slammed the door shut, I scrambled to my feet throwing my body against the heavy metal door, and banged my fists against the small dirty window.

"HEY LET ME OUT!" I shouted.

I sighed giving up and walked over to the nearest wall before sliding down and hugging my knees tightly, I could smell the other omegas in the room and their silent cries of help.

I wish I never went to that stupid park...

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I shivered and thought back to the past when everything was normal. But I was shortly interrupted by the sound of a door opening and the voices of men filling the room, I lifted my head and squinted at the bright light that was shined on my face.

"There he is! Grab him!" A man orders pointing at me.

A big man hoists me over his shoulder and carries me out of the room.

"Let's go," the man says leading the way.

The man carrying me follows the other guy to a white room, I managed to get out of his grip and tried to bolt for the open door. But I banged into a chest and fell back on my butt, I look up to see a blonde man standing there with a disgusted look, while the two-toned hair guy stands there without any emotion showing on his face.

"I'm so sorry sirs," the man says.

The man makes his way over to me and I cower in being afraid of the punishment, my back bumped a pair of legs which made me look up into a pair of shiny red eyes.

"Get over here mutt" the man growls.

I whimper and move impossibly closer to the blonde-haired man.

"Stop! You're scaring the poor boy" the blonde says.

The man and I look at him in shock. The two-toned-haired man kneels down to my level and reaches his hands out. I closed my eyes flinching but I didn't feel anything. So slowly I opened them and the man had stopped in his actions with a small frown on his face.

"I'm not gonna hurt you I just want to pick you up" he mumbles.

I nodded and watched him carefully as he slowly picks me up, I fisted his coat that he was wearing and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"We'll be off now," the blonde one says.

~| Bakugou pov |~

I looked over at the boy in Todoroki's arms and admired his sleeping body, I heard a small chuckle and immediately looked at my boyfriend.

"What's so funny?" I asked frowning.

"Oh, nothing" he cheekily replies.

I roll my eyes and kiss his lips, he leans into the kiss and closes his eyes. But I pulled away to tease him.

"Babe~" he whines with a pout.

"Later... okay," I said smirking.

"I'm holding you to that," he says putting the boy in the car.

I get in the driver's seat and start the car up, Todoroki buckles up and checks up on the boy sleeping in the back.

"He'll be fine," I said driving off.

Todoroki scoffs and turns to look out the window, I grind my teeth while putting my hand on his thigh squeezing it lightly in a comforting way.

"Don't be mad at me baby" I said.

"I'm not mad I'm just tired," he says.

"Yeah I know I am too after all those long meetings we had," I said agreeing with him.

Todoroki yawns and rests his head against the window.

"Sleep baby I'll wake you up once we're home" I whispered.

He hums in response and holds my index finger tightly.

Why am I not surprised..?

- T

hope you enjoyed 

-L and T

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