Chapter 6: Getting Ochako

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[3rd person]

"In order for you to be out in public, you're going to have to wear this collar. It's colored to match Katsuki and I so people know you're owned already," Shoto explained as he secured the collar tightly around Izuku's neck.

The collar was a bright red and in bold letters was the name 'Izuku Midoriya' in white and orange. There was a lock clipped onto the front loop and could only be opened by the two keys that Shoto and Katsuki wore around their necks.

"Now when we go you need to remain silent. Don't interfere, we all could get into big trouble," Shoto said before gently patting Izuku's curls.

It was only the first week of him staying with them and so far nothing had happened. He spent most of his time with Denki the only other omega there and learned a lot about the 'bosses'

Denki was also going with them to the auction. He was Izuku's only source of comfort. Izuku was placed in the back of a car with Denki beside him and the two alphas in the front. Denki's mate had decided not to come because it was too much work.

Denki was wearing a lilac purple collar that had a small heart-shaped lock connected to the front loop with the letter S engraved into it. Izuku leaned over and laid on Denki's shoulder. He could smell the faint scent of honey and pines.

"It's going to be okay," Denki whispered. Izuku whined softly as he pressed himself more into Denki's warmth.

"I know but seeing that place... It's only going to spark more and more hatred towards people," Izuku admitted. Denki wrapped his arms around Izuku and let him get comfortable

"Well just get some rest for now and soon enough later if everything goes good we should be having your friend... Say how did you meet her in the first place?" Denki asked. Izuku let a small sigh release as he looked at the ceiling of the now moving car.

"We were friends since before we found out we were omegas. Her mom and my mom met during a barbeque when they were pregnant and then they hit it off and poof now me and her are friends. Oh, God... I haven't seen my mom in a long time," Izuku whispers as he tries to make out an image of his mother.

Denki brushed his fingers through Izuku's green curls.

"We're here!" Was what broke them both from their sudden silence. Katsuki had parked up in the same space that Izuku had been only a few days earlier.

"Let's go get your friend. The limit is 1 billion," Katsuki grunted as he opened his door and got out. He pulled open the door for both Izuku and Denki to get out. Once out he attached a leash to both of their collars and shot them an apologetic look.

"What's this for?" Izuku asked as he gently ran his hand across the fabric. His leash was white and had the names 'Shoto and Katsuki' engraved in black on it. Denki's leash was purple with the name 'Shinsou' engraved in black string.

"It's just to make sure people know we're owned so they don't try and kidnap us and sell us," Denki explained as he followed behind Katsuki who was holding his leash. Shoto was holding Izuku's and was walking him toward the doors.

Once they got inside the anxiety spiked in Izuku and he felt his throat go dry. Everything was the same. The strong smell of alpha pheromones clogged his nose and made his head go lopsided. He felt like a dog and in that moment he was.

"Just keep focus and ignore the scents around you," Denki whispered as he gently nudged Izuku. They locked eyes and Izuku felt himself calm down.

They were led to a large room with a stage and multiple red seats going up.

"Okay everyone settle down! Today we're doing bids on female omegas! The first one up is a young brunette," The MC said as he removed the red blanket from on top of the cages. Izuku wanted to get up and shout as his eyes locked with the brown ones.

He gave her a small smile and a nod before following Shoto who had gently tugged the leash.

"Is that her?" He asked. Izuku nodded and tugged gently on the sleeve of his lime green hoodie.

"The starting bid is 12,000!" The MC announced. No one seemed to jump on that though.

"13,000" Katsuki said as he raised his hand. There was a small group huddled in the corner and one of the only girls who were there raised her hand.

"16,000!" She said with a giggle, her blonde space buns bouncing happily. Katsuki growled lowly making Izuku whimper. He gently ruffled Izuku's green curls before putting his hand up again.


"We have 20,000! Raise anyone! Do we have 21,000?" The MC Smirked as he banged onto the cage that Ochako was sitting in. Her fearful whimper didn't go unheard by the crowd and everyone seemed to go crazy at it. The bids were going up quickly.

Shoto stood up one last time.

"1 billion!" He announced.


Ochako was dragged out of the room soon after.

[Izuku's POV]

I watched as they took Ochako away and instantly shot up. We did it.

I turn to Shoto and Katsuki. "Thank you guys so much!" I said with a wide smile. I had gotten her back. They only nodded and took my leash into a hand. Shoto gently pulled me to the hallways with Katsuki and Denki following. We stood outside big brown doors for only a few moments until they were thrown open by a man that I recognized so much more than I should have.

He was pulling Ochako by a rope that was tied around her wrist.

"Fucking come on you useless omega!" He growled as he tossed her over, nearly making her fall.

"Do not speak to my property like that. It is highly disrespectful. Ochako is not useless, she is extraordinary now leave before I tear you to shreds," Shoto growled after speaking, his threatening pheromones seeping through the air. They were strong and smelled so much like strawberries.

It made my head spin but I didn't have time to fix myself because a body came in contact with mine. Ochako's naked body was pressed against my chest as she lay on top of me.

"I didn't think you would do it," She admitted quietly. I shrugged and slipped off my hoodie. I helped her put it on and made sure it fell down enough to cover her parts.

"I made a promise and I know to keep them, I'm so glad to have you back Chako..."



Hope you enjoyed

-L and T

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