Chapter 13: Caught

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[Jirou's POV]

"Who were you just talking to?" 

I look over to see the one known as twice standing there with his arms crossed across his chest and his back leaning against the doorway. My heart dropped and my stomach turned. 

"A friend," I lie. My heart was beating really fast and I had to try really hard to stop my throat from closing in.

"There was no phone though, how were you talking to them?" He inquires as he moves toward me. I gulped and smiled. 

"I have a single headphone in," I lied. I always had a headphone in my ear but it was constantly covered by my hair. He stared at me suspiciously so I moved my hair and showed him the white earphone. 

"See?" I whispered, licking my dry lips. He backed up and waved his hand in a circle.

"Whatever. Lunch is almost done so come downstairs in about 10 minutes," He says before leaving the room. I let out a relieved sigh and fell back onto my bed.

"That was too fucking close" I whisper to myself.


[3rd person]

Twice made long sharp steps in the direction of Shigaraki's office. The alpha had to compose himself as he walked inside of the office without knocking. Shigaraki was sitting there with a file in his hand and a glass of wine beside him.

"Boss," Twice says loudly to catch Shigaraki's attention. The alpha's crimson red eyes locked with Twice's gray eyes.

"What is it Bubaigawara?" Shigaraki asks. 

"I think you should do a background scan on the newcomer. She's acting really suspicious and I think she may be a spy," Twice said as he walked more inside the neatly decorated office. The floor was covered in a blood-red carpet and there was a dark brown oakwood desk settled in the middle of the room with a leather chair that Shigaraki was occupying.

There were picture frames hung up on the walls and a red couch on the side of the room with a TV in front of it and a glass coffee table in the middle. On the other side of the room was a door that led to another room with glass walls and had a large table with multiple black chairs.

A meeting room.

"Alright I guess we can," Shigaraki agreed as he opened his silver computer and typed in his password.

"What was her first name again?" He asked. Twice closed his eyes as he thought for a moment.

"Kyoka," He says as he remembers. Shigaraki hummed and typed the name into the computer. Multiple things popped up and he began scanning through. He looked through her family's profiles and then went to her friends only to see something that he did not like.

She was friends with the Imperial Dragons.

He dug further into it and finally found out she worked as a spy for them. He angrily closed his computer and began to itch his neck aggressively, peeling away at the flesh.

"Bring her here right now," He growled, his threatening alpha pheromones flooding the room. Twice nodded and walked out of the room. He walked to Jirou's room and threw it open. She was sitting on her bed with a book in her hands.

She looked up to see Twice and instantly her stomach dropped once again.

"The boss wants you," Twice deadpanned as he walked to her and gripped her upperarm. She struggled against him as he yanked her in the direction of the office. His pheromones were enough to make her dizzy. The big brown doors were thrown open and she was tossed inside.

Her small body came in contact with the floor, accidentally turning the glasses on and sending a message to Denki that she was online.

"Why are you being so aggressive?" She asked sassily as she stood up and dusted herself off. Shigaraki's pheromones only got stronger as he pushed himself out of his seat. He walked to the front of her and smiled creepily, his fingers still peeling at the skin.

"Did you really think we wouldn't find out you worthless beta," Shigaraki growled as leaned forward, his eyes locking with Jirous as he let gripped her face and made sure she was able to smell the dominant pheromones. 

She instantly fell to her knees in submission. 

Jirou wasn't an omega but even betas submitted to the pheromones of an alpha.

"F-Find out what?" She asked as if she didn't know. Shigaraki only laughed as he yanked her hair and forced her to look up at him.

"Traitor. Spy. Fucking worthless piece of shit," He growls and brings his knee in contact with her nose. The glasses were knocked off her face and her nose started bleeding. She reached for the glasses in panic and he let her grab them.

"S-So you found out..." She whispered as she pushed the glasses back upright. She clicked the button only to find out they were already on.

"Jirou are you alright?" Denki's voice rang from the glasses, only loud enough for her to hear. She hummed loudly as if she was thinking but in reality, she was letting Denki know she was okay.

"Call your bosses right now, I wanna schedule a meeting with them because then maybe they can get you back," Shigaraki says as he grips her chin and pulls her off the floor. Jirou's throat dried as he glared at her with so much hatred in his eyes.

"F-fine just get off me!" She argued.

"I'm already on it, the bosses are on their way down now," Denki says as he clicks away on his computer. Only a few moments later her phone rang loudly through the entire room. She reached for it and answered it, putting it to her ear.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Where is that crusty bitch?" Katsuki's voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"He's right here, did you wanna speak to him?" 

Jirou smiled as she put the phone on speaker.

"Yeah put that raggedy, dusty, ashy, cremated-looking bitch on," Katsuki growled. Twice snickered quietly while Shigaraki's eyes widened in hurt.

"Please ignore him, he's pissed off. I'm assuming Shigaraki is listening right now? Hello Tomura Shigaraki, my name is Shoto Todoroki and it seems you have my property there. I don't care how strong you are but if you don't return my beta soon I will let my dog loose and he's about ready to kill your entire gang," Shoto said as he took the phone.

"I want to have a meeting first. I wanna know why you sent her here in the first place," He growls. 

Shoto sighs, "Shut up Katsuki," This Was heard before some shuffling and the sound of a door closing.

"Yeah okay fine, send the location, and Katsuki and I will be there, don't harm her," He says.

"Can't wait to see you, Shoto... and Katsuki"



Hope you enjoyed this chapter

-L and T

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