Chapter 8: Newcomers

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Testu Testu: Alpha
Aizawa: Alpha
Tamaki: Beta


[Izuku's POV]

I didn't know what was happening but the door was thrown open and one of the alphas named Eijiro walked inside. I was just laying there with Ochako who was currently sleeping.

I whimpered quietly and looked at the alpha in fear. What did he have planned?

"Sorry for barging in. The bosses wanted me to set up a security camera in here for protection reasons. Um, you're also to not be alone at all neither is your friend. Because of the fact, you're an unmated omega you're at a higher risk, especially with the rising threat," Eijirou explained.

I only nodded, giving him permission to install the camera. He bowed before walking to the corner of the room and installing a camera. There was one camera in each corner.

"What rising threats were you talking about?" I ask. He turned to me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I can't really say, the bosses told me to not really tell you. They want you to heal not stress more," Eijiro admitted quietly. I only hummed and turned to the sleeping omega beside me.

We were both in a room with an alpha who was stronger than us, taller than us, and way bigger than us. I was scared of him. It was a good thing my pheromones were covered by the lime green collar I had on.

"So what exactly is going to be my job while I'm here?" I asked trying to hide the small quiver in my voice.

"The boss's new personal sex toy. As soon as you heal fully and you'll obviously have to consent to it and if you don't wanna continue you don't have to," Eijiro said as if it were casual.

I felt my face heat up as I threw the blankets over myself and let out a loud whine.

"Get out now,"


[Katsuki's POV]

Shoto had fallen asleep while sitting on my lap. It wasn't anything new but we were supposed to be meeting the new security.

I didn't want to bother him though. I moved his head a bit and let him lay on my chest. His legs were on either side of my own and his arms were wrapped around my neck. He looked so beautiful like this.

Sleeping peacefully against me. His alpha. Technically he was also my alpha but right now I was his.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on my office door.

"It's unlocked," I announced just loud enough for them to hear me but not enough that it'll wake the sleeping alpha.

Though he was an alpha, he didn't have a big dominant side as most did. I'm not saying he doesn't in general just saying it barely shows.

The door opened and three people walked inside. From their looks, two were alphas and one was a beta. I motioned to the front of my desk and they instantly walk over, they sit down at the chairs.

"Jesus you guys look like shit," I mutter, loud enough for them to hear. The first one had long black hair and he was obviously way older than me. He had really big bags under his eyes and I instantly recognized him. He was one of the top trained assassins in Japan and being in his presence was a lot but I didn't get to focus on that. He was also the father of one of my members, Hitoshi Shinsou.

"What are your names?" I ask.

"You know my name dimwit," Said the alpha as he brushed a strand of hair from his face.

"What. Is. Your. Name?" I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around the sleeping alpha in my lap, and glared into Shota's eyes.

"Shota. Shota Aizawa," He pressed making me laugh lightly. "Good," I hummed and turned to the boy in the middle who looked about ready to piss himself. I nearly doubled over laughing at the fear on the betas face but... I'm better than that.

Yeah that was a lie

I burst out laughing, in the process of laughing I woke up Shoto who didn't seem happy about it. The boy in the middle had blue hair that covered his eyes and a weirdly sharp jaw.

Shoto looked around, so confused about what was happening before locking eyes with one of the newcomers.

"Why didn't you wake me Katsuki!" He hissed quietly just loud enough for me to hear.

"You were peaceful," I said before turning to the boy in the middle.

"What's your name?" I asked again.

"Tamaki... Amajiki," He whispered. I nearly laughed again before turning to the man on the side with silver hair. He looked almost identical to Eijiro and it was uncomfortable.

"Tetsu Tetsu here to save the fucking day! Question for the alpha on your lap though! Where'd you get the big burn? It looks fucking sick!"

I felt my blood boil and I heard Shoto whimper quietly. Alphas didn't whimper so the fact that this snowflake-looking idiot made Shoto whimper just made me wanna tear him to shreds but I couldn't.

"That isn't any of your concern. You're here to work not make friends with my mate. Don't you ever ask that question again or I'll rip your dick off and make you choke on it while shoving it down your throat," I threatened with a low but deep growl to show I was serious.

He gulped loudly and nodded quickly trying not to anger me further.

"Sorry I won't ask again!"



Hope you enjoyed this chapter

-H and T

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