Chapter 14: The Meeting

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~| Todoroki pov |~

Katsuki and I put the two omegas in our room and Denki went to his mate's room for safety, I locked the door after Aizawa stayed with the two.

"Let's go," I said.

He nods and walks bedside me, Katsuki put the whole gang on lockdown and made sure everyone was inside.

"Are they going to be okay?" I asked being worried.

"Of course, they will be Aizawa is the best bodyguard around" Katsuki replies sounding reassuring.

I can't help the feeling in my stomach but either way, I nod, and we walk out of the building and to the car. Katsuki opens my door and I get in.

"You have to calm down Shoto, your pheromones are like flooding my car," Katsuki jokes.

I stare out the window as the door shuts and Katsuki runs around to the other side. The car was starting soon after and I could only lean against the door.

"Something isn't right," I state and Katsuki only nods.

"I know baby but we have to get Jirou back one way or another,"

I hum quietly and zone out while staring at the passing trees.


[3rd POV]

The car pulled into the parking lot of the large abandoned warehouse. Katsuki was the first to get out, his overprotective mode activating as he opened Shoto's door for him.

The two alphas walked to the door and pulled it open. On the inside was a bar with rusty countertops, ripped red stools, broken glass all over and the stench of alpha reeked. Toward the other side of the room was a ripped-up red couch, a coffee table in the middle, and then another red couch.

Shoto was the first to spot the pale blue-haired man who was sitting on one of the red stools, his ruby red eyes were staring directly at the pair.

"Ah, welcome," He says, his glass dropping and shattering against the hardwood floor. Shoto flinched and gripped onto Katsuki's arm.

"Where's our beta?" He asks with a growl, still hiding his body behind the fuming alpha.

"Oh her? Well, she's upstairs. Follow me, our meeting isn't going to be held down here," The man says as he stands up and starts to walk down a hallway. The hallway looked better than the bar did. The walls were a creamy white color with black and red lines going through them. There weren't any picture frames hanging up. The floor was dark shiny brown hardwood floor that thumped with their every footstep.

They got to the staircase and the man went up before anyone.

"Why are we even here?" Shoto asks.

"Why did you send your little bitch here?" Shigaraki asks as he opens the door to his meeting room. Jirou was sitting in one of the chairs that were furthest to the left and at the end of the table. Her hands were tied together and her mouth was covered by a rag. Behind her was Twice.

"DO NOT CALL JIROU A LITTLE BITCH!" Katsuki shouted as he slammed his hand against the wooden table.

Shoto grabbed his arm and held it tightly.

"Then explain why she was here and SPYING!?" Shigaraki growled.

Shoto slammed his hand against the table to grab everyone's attention and when it was given to him, they could finally smell his pheromones that were being released.

"Stop acting like literal children. We're in a meeting. We want our beta back. She was here because two of your members are plotting on my omegas," Shoto explained as he placed a hand on his hip and stared.

Shigaraki's face twisted into confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asks. Shoto stares at him oddly before turning to Katsuki who seemed to have semi-calmed down.

"You don't know that your members buy omega's use them and then kill them and were trying to go after our omegas?" Katsuki inquires and Shigaraki raises his hands in defense.

"Of course, I didn't. I was so focused on taking care of your beta to realize my members have gone out of control," Shigaraki snaps making Katsuki almost jump on the older.

"Well, where are they now?" Shoto asks as he lay a hand on Katsuki's forearm.

The blue-haired man was about to answer before a loud ringing echoed the room. Shoto reached to answer it and he put it on speaker for Katsuki to hear.




Hope you enjoyed this chapter

-L and T

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