Chapter 4: Another Omega

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[Deku's POV]

"Hey... Hey wake up,"

The voice startled me.

I jumped up, almost hitting my head on the ceiling of the car, and backed away from the alpha who was standing there trying to get in the car. I didn't remember much of what happened before I fell asleep but it scared me.

"I'm not going to hurt you alright? Do you want me to get another omega to help you inside?" The man asked. I nod. I wasn't comfortable around alphas after everything that happened.

Everything that happened...


"W-where's Ochako!? Where is she!?" I asked not raising my voice but showing I was worried. The man looked at me confused.

"Ochako?" He asked.

"Yes! I-I promised her that I wouldn't leave her alone there! S-she's back at the p-place," I cried out as my entire body began to shake with panic.

"Hey! We'll get her to don't worry alright? For now, calm down, we have an omega on the way to help you. Can I know your name?" The alpha asked.

"Izuku... Izuku Midoriya," I whispered. I had to at least try and respect this man. He was one of them who bought me.

"Hey Izuku, I'm Shoto Todoroki alright? The omega coming to help is Denki Kaminari he'll be showing you around and helping you settle in,"


I felt my face heat up for some reason and I let out a small whimper when I smelled the pheromones from the alpha in front of me. He didn't seem to know they were being leaked but they were and the smell hit me in the face like a truck.

"I'm here!" I heard a voice shout. I glanced over and spotted a man. He had yellow hair, golden honey yellow eyes, and a black streak going through the side of his head.

"So who's the boy?"

That must be Kaminari

"That is him," Shoto says. I squeaked and looked up. I said it out loud hm.

The blonde came more into view and I instantly felt myself relax. He was wearing a purple collar that hugged his skin perfectly.

"Why purple?" I asked without meaning to.

"My mate got it for me! It's a special one that connects to my watch and phone and whenever I'm in danger with an alpha it starts beeping loudly and then contacts my mate or the bosses," Kaminari explained. I let a small smile slip onto my face and stared in awe.

It was amazing.

[Shoto's POV]

This boy.

It was sickening the trauma they caused him. I didn't want to act irrationally but it was annoying. He panicked about another omega. A female. Maybe they were close friends? I promised him we'd get her too though.

That might be a small problem though.

I wasn't supposed to go as far as a billion for the omega but I did and any wrong moves can end our careers horribly.

Kaminari had seemed to calm the omega down enough that he finally was able to get out of the car even if it was hesitant.

"Denki, his room is to be right across from mines and Katsuki's. Show him around and then let him know his job. No matter what he was brought here for a reason," I say.

Kaminari nods and grabs Izuku's hand. The little green omega turns to me, his emerald eyes locking with mine before he's pulled away. I watched as they disappeared into the distance before turning away and going to find my mate.

I don't know how he'll take everything but it definitely won't be like how I did.

Katsuki's a ticking time bomb and this might just be the thing that causes him to explode


(L: First time in like months writing first-person! Purrr)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

-L and T

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