Bonus Chapter: Marking and Mates

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⚠️SMUT! I am not good at smut but that's okay!⚠️

Izuku leaned on the headboard of the bed as Shoto and Katsuki showered. He didn't know what to do while he waited and he couldn't control the pheromones that surrounded the room.

Slick leaked down his legs as the tension built up. He was going to be mating and marking his alphas. The alphas that saved him one year ago.

He rubbed his thighs together and waited patiently for the door to the bathroom to be opened. His nude body on display as Shoto walked out first.

He inhaled deeply, smelling the strong scent of pheromones and slick. He licked his lips and walked to the bed with a towel around his waist.

"You smell so good Izu," Shoto complimented. He leaned over and kissed Izuku. The smaller whimpered slightly. Shoto gently pulled him onto his lap and sucked in another sharp breath of air.

"Are you sure you want this? Once we mark you there are no takebacks. You'll be ours forever,"

"Yes, I want this. I want you, both of you" Izuku whispered as he connected their lips once again into a heated makeout session. They were so wrapped in each other's lust that they didn't notice Katsuki come out of the bathroom.

He immediately walked to the pair and ran his hand up Izuku's nude back.

"You look so yummy, and you smell so good," Katsuki whispered in Izuku's ear making the omega whimper lightly. Katsuki leaned down and kissed Izuku's neck gently before sucking on his scent gland.

Izuku moaned quietly and leaned his head against Katsuki's chest. His mouth was opened slightly and little pants echoed around the room. Shoto took the chance to swoop down and grab one of Izuku's nipples. He twisted is and rolled it with his fingers.

Izuku's eyes closed as he moaned. The pleasure taking over him was so overbearing. It was so gentle but so good at the same time. He loved it. He loved feeling like he wasn't being used for his body.

They made him feel so loved.

"You okay? Still wanna keep going?" Katsuki asked.

"Yes, please keep going," Izuku whines.

Katsuki lifted Izuku off Shoto's lap and laid him on the bed. He kissed down his chest and toward us V-line before stopping and looking up to make sure he was good.

Izuku was watching his every movement, entranced by the feeling. He gave a nod of approval and let out a low moan when Katsuki gently grabbed his dick.

Shoto sat next to them and gently ran his fingers through Izuku's hair to make sure he was okay. Katsuki licked Izuku's slit before taking him in his throat.

Izuku's head fell back and he moaned loudly. His moan came out more as a squeal. Shoto smiled knowing that Izuku was enjoying himself. He led Izuku's hand to Katsukis's hair.

"Hold on to it, he likes when you tug," Shoto whispered. Izuku only nodded as he let out another loud moan. Katsuki was moving slowly trying not to overwhelm the omega.

"Does it feel good Izu?" Shoto asked as he pushed Katsuki's head further down. Izuku choked on his own breath as he nodded.

"Want us to keep going?"

"Y-yes please don't stop!"

Katsuki slowly pulled off Izuku's dick and lifted his legs so his bottom was on full display. There was a pool of slick under him and leaking onto the sheets. Shoto moved under Katsuki and leaned down.

"Can I taste you?" He asked as he gripped Izuku's thighs and pulled him closer. Izuku nodded and leaned his head back when he felt Shoto's tongue glide up his leaking hole. He let out a loud mewl and grabbed Shoto's hair as he continued to eat him out.

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