Chapter 9: The Midnight Crawlers

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~| Katsuki pov |~

I sat at my desk looking over the files Kirishima gave me when there was a call on the intercom, but before I could answer it Todoroki presses the button and answers it for me.

"What is it?" He asks while I chuckle.

"I got a hit" Denki replies.

"Okay we will be there," I said standing up.

Todoroki releases the button and grabs his coat, I walked out with Shoto close behind and stormed off in a hurry to see what Denki had to say.

"What's up?" I asked bursting in.

"Boss look at this" Denki answers pulling up some info on the big screen.

I look up at the screen and put my arm around Todoroki's shoulders, I pull him in while reading all the information on the screen and was confused.

"What am I looking at?" I asked.

"It's a gang called The Midnight Crawlers and their leader Shigaraki" Denki replies.

"I've heard of them in the rumors at the bars and at city gang meetings but why them?" I asked myself.

"Well I tracked the device to their hideout which is here" Denki replies pulling up the map.

I studied the map and the old warehouse, Todoroki grips the front of my coat and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Keep tabs on what goes in and out of that place and I'll get Jirou to take a closer look," I said.

Denki nods and continues to type away on the computer, I called Jirou in and she arrives a few seconds later.

"Good you're here," I said turning around with Todoroki still in my arms.

"You call I come," she says chewing bubblegum.

"Yeah because I'm your boss so I'm asking you to go to this address and scope the place out... but be careful because none of us know what they're capable of" I explained giving her a piece of paper.

~|Todoroki pov |~

Katsuki strokes my hair and looks down at me with a small smile.

"Why don't you go check up on those omegas" Katsuki suggests.

"Yeah okay," I said pulling away.

I walked out of the room and went upstairs to the room across from mine and Katsuki, I slowly opened the door and saw Aizawa standing there with his arms crossed. He glanced at me and nodded, I look to the bed and chuckled. Izuku and Ochako were sleeping together, I got closer to the two and brush a strand of hair out of their faces.

"They're so cute when they're sleeping" I mumbled.

"They've been sleeping for about two hours straight," Aizawa says.

I was shocked but then I realized that they probably never got a lot or any sleep and it made me feel bad thinking of the things they had to go through. I turned around and left the room, I entered Katsuki's and my room but didn't see Katsuki anywhere.

"Babe?" I said.

"Out here!" Katsuki shouts from the balcony.

I walked out onto the balcony and saw Katsuki leaning against the railing smoking a cigarette, he turns slightly and pulls me into his embrace. I leaned my back against the railing and placed my hands on his chest.

"How are they?" He asks blowing smoke above us.

"They're sleeping" I replied with a smile.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"What?" I ask.

He shakes his head and smokes his cigarette.

"What is it?" I asked pressuring him into saying it.

"I thought omegas were the type to be energetic," he says.

"You do realize you are talking about Denki who has been with us since the start of all this," I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah you're right I suppose but I thought we wanted to spice up our sex life?" He says.

"Y- y- yeah well they need their rest and energy for that so give it some time alright?" I said blushing.

"Fine~," he says sighing.

"You're the best boyfriend ever!" I cheered kissing him.

"I know" he proudly says making me giggle.

What would I do with you...


- T

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

-L and T

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