Chapter 19: Inko Midoriya

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(3rd person)

The house from the outside was small. Brick walls and a little outside porch. There were about 4 steps that led to the bright red entrance that had the name Inko on it.

Izuku's nerves were running up a wall. He held onto his sweater and looked back to Shoto and Katsuki who were standing behind the two omegas. Shoto nods which encourages Izuku to take two steps forward and ring the white doorbell.

He could hear the ding dong echo the house before footsteps made their way down a flight of stairs.

"Coming!" Izuku's heart pounded louder at the noise. The door opened slowly and emerald green orbs poked out from the corner. 


Inko's voice broke as she opened the door widely and rushed out. She gripped Izuku's face and moved his head around as if checking to see if it was actually him.

Inko had gotten a little skinnier. She was still plump and round. Her green hair was to her shoulders with little grays in the front, covering her forehead. 

Her cheeks were covered in freckles just like Izuku's. The resemblance was there.

"Ochako? Oh my babies," Inko cried as tears left her eyes. She grabbed the two of them and pulled them into a tight hug. 

"M-Mom..." Izuku sobbed. Shoto held Katsuki's hand tightly and smiled at the sight.

"Come, Come inside," Inko pulls the two inside and waits for Shoto and Katsuki to enter as well. She closed the door and rushed them over to the red sofa. The inside of the house was nicer than the outside.

The living room had a small sofa and a TV. There was a glass coffee table in the middle. Izuku and the others kicked their shoes off.

"Sit, please do, would you like some tea? water? juice? Wine?,"

Izuku smiles and shakes his head.

"How are you guys here? Are these your alphas? Did they win you? Im sorry I wasn't there to stop them from taking you guys, It must have been terrible," Inko says as she sits down on the floor in front of the sofa.

"Well... It was hard. We were bought and sold so many times. Used. We always kept together though. Um... I was bought first... Convinced them to buy Ochako... Got kidnapped. Killed someone, yknow the usual."

Inko's eyes widened and she sputtered on her words.

"Kidnapped? Killed?" 

Izuku only smiled as he jumped up and gave her a big hug.

"I'm glad to be back..." Izuku whispers as he hugs Inko closer. Shoto looked at the clock on the wall and sighed at the time.

"I'm glad you're back..." Inko whispers back as she inhales the pheromones of her son. The sweet smell was something she never forgot. 

Their tears mixed as they sobbed together. 

Shoto smiled warmly and turned to his boyfriend. They nodded at each other and Shoto turned back to the duo.

"I have a proposal," 

It was the first time he has spoken since they got there and Izuku was glad to know they were still there.

"My name is Shoto, this is Katsuki. We're the alphas who bought both Ochako and Izuku. My proposal is... by law, if omega is mated they are allowed out without an alpha. And... he's allowed to live wherever. You guys can come live with us or... Izuku can come back here. If we have permission to mate him," 

Inko and Izuku locked eyes before whispering and mumbling to each other. It was an amusing sight to watch. Izuku turned around and nodded.

"Mom said she'll move in with you guys. And granted permission of you guys mating me," 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter

I don't know how ima end this book so Id say expect an ending but at the same time dont.


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