Chapter 20: Starting Over

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(No one's POV)

(1 month later)

"We haven't marked him yet but I don't think I want to just yet," Shoto says as he watches Izuku read to Ochako. Katsuki only raised a brow at him.

"Why not? Second thoughts?" 

"No, not at all. It's only been a month since everything went down. I just want him to be ready. We bought him to spice up our sex life but to be honest I think I might have fully fallen for him," Shoto admits. Katsuki only nods.

"We haven't had sex since he came," Katsuki pointed out randomly.

"Are you hinting at something?" Shoto smirked as he leaned over to kiss Katsuki. The blonde Alpha chuckled as he pulled Shoto onto his lap and kissed him deeply. Izuku turned to face them and smiled warmly.

He wouldn't admit it but he opened up to them so much. He felt safe with them and he couldn't help but feel attracted to them.

Shoto glanced over and winked at him making the omega blush and look away. Shoto climbed off Katsuki's lap and sat down next to Izuku.

"So what are you reading?" He asked quietly.

"Beauty and the Beast," 

Shoto hummed and leaned his head on Izuku's shoulders. He could smell the pheromones rushing from his scent gland and he couldn't help but gently kiss Izuku's cheek.

Katsuki watched with a small smile on his face.

The doors opened and Inko walked in. Izuku jumped up when he saw her. She was smiling and walking to him with an envelope in her hands.

"Guess what!?"

Everyone perked and watched the greenettes interact. "I got a job" She announces making Izuku jump in joy.

"I'm so proud of you! That's amazing mom!" He said as he hugged her. Shoto stood and smiled warmly at her.

"What's the job?"

"A cashier at a cafe down the road! Omega friendly. They have scent blockers and stuff for the omegas and a room in the back in case an omega goes into heat. The workers are either betas or mated alphas. They actually wanna meet you too Izu to hire you! Isn't that awesome!

It's like things are finally going right for us," Inko says happily. Izuku nods and turns to Shoto. He seems to contemplate something. He decides before jumping on the alpha. 

"Thank you," He whispers. 

"This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you. You guys saved Ochakos and my life. I am forever grateful," He whispers before turning to Katsuki and hugging him.

"I've made a decision," He continues.

"What is it?" Katsuki asks as he holds Izuku gently by the waist.

"I want you guys to mark me..." Izuku admits making ochako jump up.

"You wanna get marked! Oh my God if you do I'll be so happy! If you're happy I'm happy!" She squeals. Izuku grabs her hands and holds them tightly.

"And I wanna live here with you guys forever. I think... I love you guys," 

Shoto immediately swoops and picks Izuku up from his waist. He spins him around happily before placing him down gently and pushing the curls out his face.

"Anything for you. Pretty omega," He whispers before leaning down and kissing Izuku gently.

Everything was going well. It was as if all the pain had faded.

But it was only the beginning of the pain.



Yes, I did leave yall on a cliffhanger! Hope you guys enjoyed this book

Will there be a part 2? I don't know do yall want one!?

I'll probably make a bonus chapter for the mating process and yknow the smut but that's if its voted for so YES or NO to smut

It's been such a ride and I'm sorry for not updating.

I'm going by Lia now not Hoshi BTW not to cause any confusion

love you guys


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