Chapter 17: Signal

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(No one's POV)

It was then that everyone noticed Eijiro standing in the room with a computer in his hands. He zoomed into the screen and turned it around for everyone to see it. 

"How did you know what to do?" Shoto asked as he gripped the computer and pulled it away from Eijiro. The redhead shrugged and turned to Denki who was slowly coming back to reality. 

"I've been friends with Denki since before we joined here. He's taught me some things like I've taught him some things," Shoto only hummed at the answer before turning to everyone in the room.

"I want everyone geared up in the next 10 minutes. We're getting the omegas back. Hitoshi, you have a choice to stay here with Aizawa or come with us and leave him with the doctors," 

The lilac alpha turned to Shoto and then glanced back at Aizawa. He had a job to do. Whether he wanted to or not. 

"I have to fulfill my job," 

Katsuki nodded and went to Aizawa. He picked him up and carried him out of the room. Shoto turned to Denki and grabbed the omega's hands.

"Stay here, You'll be our eyes in the sky. We need you Denks," 

Denki sniffled before nodding and turning to his alpha. "Stay safe out there,"  He whispers before rushing out the room. Shoto wrote down the address before turning to the door.

"What are you all waiting for!? Get ready!"


Izuku looked over to Ochako who was sleeping. Dabi had bruised her up like a pulp. Toga carved her name into Ochako's thigh. He was scared about what was next. They didn't do anything to him yet.

The only injury he had was a bruise on his eye because of the punch Dabi gave him when he tried to run away.

The doors opened and Dabi walked inside with a bowl and a rag. He ignored Izuku and walked straight over to Ochako.

"What are you gonna do to her? Injure her more?" Izuku growled. The black-haired alpha ignored him as he dipped the rag into the water and started cleaning up the cuts and blood.

"Be grateful I haven't given crazy the okay to do something stupid with you," Dabi growled back.

"I don't care what you do to me! Let her go! She did nothing wrong! She just got out of the damn hell hole! LET HER GO!" 

The doors opened again and Toga skipped in with bandages. She tossed them over to Dabi and skipped her way to Izuku. His face twisted into fear as she sat on his lap and brushed her fingers over his bruised cheek.

"You have such a foul mouth, didn't your mother ever teach you some manners?" She asked as she pressed her nail into the bruise, slowly drawing blood. 

Izuku hissed in pain and squeezed his eyes shut. He rolled his wrist around the ropes that tied tightly against them before pulling. 

He pulled and pulled and pulled, even if the rope dug into his skin he continued to pull.

Until it finally snapped. He had no chance of fighting against the alphas. He didn't bother trying to. Once his arms were free and pushed Toga off him and bent down to untie his legs.

Toga was pulling at him trying to stop him. She didn't have a knife or a weapon on her so she couldn't stop him. He quickly undid the ropes around his legs and pushed the chair back.

He wasn't going to try to run. Not without Ochako at least. He rushed over to her and shook her. Dabi got up and grabbed him, pinning his arms behind his back.

"J-Just let me get to her!" Izuku begged as he tried to pull his arms out of Dabi's grasp. Ochako was awake now. Her brown eyes were wide in fear as she watched Izuku get tossed to the ground and stomp on by Dabi's weighted boots.

Before anything could get too serious the doors burst open and everyone's attention is snapped in the direction.



Hey sorry for the long wait! I know it's been a while but a lot has happened. This school stuff has been kicking my ass, Covid AND now I'm suspended for 5 days so it's honestly whatever.

Uh Tsumu my partner fully handed the book over to me so it's harder to write especially since I have all the other books to write. But I finally found the motivation to write this one and hopefully i keep it

hope you enjoyed tho


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