Chapter 11: More Problems

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~| Jirou pov |~

They sat me down on a couch and started to treat my wounds, I pretended to wince when they stitched up my badly open wounds.

"All done," the woman says packing up the medical supplies.

"Thank you," I said rubbing my bandages.

"What happened?" The blue-haired guy asks.

"I was being chased by a group of drunk alphas," I replied lying to their faces.

"What did they want?" He asks.

"I don't know I didn't stick around to find out" I replied.

He hums and turns to a black-haired man, I watched them whispering and using hand gestures to get their point across. After a while, they finally turn around and the blue-haired man sighs crossing his arms.

"You can stay until you're all healed up," he says.

"Really thank you so much!" I said trying not to sound too fake.

"Yeah yeah... Toga go show her to the guest bedroom" He says to a blonde-haired girl.

"Alright," the girl cheerfully says taking my wrist.

I had no choice but to follow her down the dark empty hallways and took this chance to map the place out, I clicked the button on the side of my glasses and saw a red dot in the corner. I glance up to see the girl way ahead of me and looked as if she didn't have a care in the world, so I took this as an opportunity to try out the communication on the glasses.

"Do you copy? It's me Nightwing code 378" I whispered.

"Hey Jirou we hear you loud and clear copy," Denki says.

I smiled in relief that it works.

"Can you see what I'm looking at? copy" I asked.

"Yes I can and I'm mapping the place out as you go copy," Denki says.

"Okay thanks, Denki copy" I whispered.

"You coming girl?" The blonde shouts.

"Yes, I am" I shouted back catching up to her.

We walked side by side until she stops at a door and faces me, I look her directly in the eyes while pretending to push my glasses up but actually pressing the scan button to scan her face.

"This is your temporary room feel free to use anything in there and dinner will be in an hour's time," she says.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

Once she left I quickly went into the room and locked the door.

"Did you get it Denki? Copy" I whispered.

~| Denki pov |~

"Yes I did and I running possible matches right now copy," I said typing away at my computer.

I pressed the enter button on my keyboard and found a match, my mouth dropped open, and immediately reached over to call for the Bosses.

"Jirou do you copy?" I asked.

"Yeah what's wrong? Copy" she replies.

The Bosses walked in and stood behind me.

"We have a problem copy," I said.

"What sort of problem?" Bakugo asks.

I clicked on the blonde girl's profile and pointed to it.

"Have a look at this Jirou copy" I said sending her the link.

"Okay, so what? It's just a girl?" Todoroki says.

"That's not just any girl... that's the Toga," I said.

They looked confused and Jirou was quiet making me sigh.

"Toga is known for buying omegas off the market and brutally using them for her own pleasures and then killing them after she's done with them... she's a huge threat and it could be a problem if she finds out Jirou is a spy" I explained.

"And how do you know this?" Bakugo asks.

"I was also in the market and heard of the stories or rumors should I say of a blonde-haired girl who kills her omegas after she's done with them," I said thinking back to those horrible days.

"Okay well if that's the case... Jirou do you copy?" Bakugo says.

"Yes, Boss copy," Jirou says.

"I want you to be careful and find out more on why Toga is here and why she put a tracking device on our car copy" Bakugo orders

"Yes Boss now signing off," Jirou says before stopping the recording.

"Keep searching Denki we need more info on this girl and why she's in the gang and what's her purpose," Todoroki says.

"Yes sir," I said saluting him.

I hope Jirou can pull this off otherwise we are all going to be in deep trouble...

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