Chapter 16: Finding Him

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(Katsuki's POV)

I was pacing back and forth. This was hell. Both of the omegas were gone and it had been almost 24 hours already.

If I was bad then Shoto was hell and I hated seeing him such a mess. His hair was completely ruined from all the times he tugged and pulled on it. His eyes were puffy and red from the crying and his clothes were blood stained from helping Aizawa.

Shinsou had gone completely quiet not even letting his mate near him.

Denki had lost himself fully. He was just standing in the corner staring at the wall from the trauma.

If anything I was the most stable at the moment even when my blood was boiling from anger. Shigaraki had gone to find his alphas.

"I'm so sorry..." Jirou whispers as tears glide down her cheeks. It wasn't her fault. I knew that deep down inside but for some reason I feel angered more. Not at her practically more of at myself. If we never sent her to that mission she wouldn't have gotten captured and the omegas would be here.

It was my fault

All my fault

I left the room that was full of panic and made my way to the bathroom where I gripped the edge of the sink as hard as I could.

My pheromones were filling the bathroom quickly and I noticed my knuckles turning white from gripping the sink so hard.

"All your fault..." I whisper to myself as I stare in the mirror. I looked like a mess as well. My hair was messy and my eyes were a darker red than their original color obviously fogged from the anger.

I slammed my fist into the mirror and cursed at myself.

"If I wasn't so damn weak they wouldn't have gotten taken in the first place!" I scold at myself as I feel blood glide down my knuckles. I chuckled lightly and stared at the shattered glass.

"Same thing mom said all those years ago,"

The door opens and Shoto walks in quickly.

"He got into contact with Himiko! She isn't telling him where she's at but we are getting Denki to tra- baby what did you do..." Shoto walked to me and grabbed my fist making me hiss slightly at the pain.

"Let's get this wrapped up yeah?"


(3rd person)

Katsuki and Shoto both walk out the bathroom soon after with Katsukis hand now wrapped in band aids. The two males walked toward the room where Shigaraki was. He held a finger to his lip and continued his conversation on the phone.

"J-just at least let her go! Please I'll do anything just please let her go!!" Izuku pleaded from the other side of the phone making Shoto almost break down once again. Shigaraki's eyes softened at the sound of the broken omegas voice.

"Dabi... Touya. You shouldn't do this it'll only hurt us more," Shigaraki says as he bites his lip hoping it'll work.

"It won't hurt either of us because there is no US!" Dabi shouts from the phone making Shigaraki suck in a sharp breath.

"You can't deny it forever Dabi. Touching someone else's mate knowing you have one is gonna kill us both slowly. Please just let them go and we can go and be good mates,"

The negotiations didn't work and the males were startled by the sound of a scream. Izukus scream.

Shoto rushed to the phone and snatched it from Shigarakis hand. His heart was pounding in his ear and his throat had closed in but he was angry.

"Touya? It's me Shoto! Please please leave our omegas alone! Please I'm begging you as your younger brother-" Shoto starts only to be cut off by another scream.

"YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER AND MY NAME IS NOT TOUYA!!" Dabi screams into the phone making Shoto flinch.

"Yes you are... you're always gonna be that same older brother that held me while dad screamed... the same older brother that wrapped my burn when our mother poured boiling water into my face! You're my older brother and nothing will change that!!" Shoto says as he chews his bottom lip to stop the tears from falling.

"No... Touya is dead! Your little omegas are gonna see him soon!! IN HELL!" Dabi hangs up the phone quickly making Shoto panic and start crying once again.


"Hey calm down! We got his signal!"


Heyyyy hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I'll be temporarily taking over the book since Tsumu caught covid and won't be able to write for a little bit. Let's all hope they get well soon!

-L and T

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