Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Did you hear what happened to John?" Daniel Morris asked looking at his 4 friends Alexander Lewis, Henry Cruz and Ethan Carter while they waited in the elevator. The others shake their head so he continues.

"He was cheating on his wife with one of his students so she filed for a divorce and now the money she earned is with her and he is broke," he completed and everyone laughed.

"Are you serious?" Ethan asked. They reached their floor, the 6th floor of the apartment complex and saw new boxes around the hallway. The apartment complex was small so there were only two apartments on each floor.

"Looks like old Barry finally moved out," Ethan, a resident in the apartment complex commented.

"Hopefully the new tenant doesn't make as much noise as the old man," Daniel commented and the others agreed. They were standing in the hallway as their new neighbor walked out.

They were expecting a middle aged person but there stood a 22 year old woman with dark brown hair and striking ocean blue eyes, tan skin with a height of 5 feet 6 inches and an amazing body. She was incredibly attractive.

She was moving things into her apartment with headphones in her ear so she couldn't hear the boys. Her back was turned to them, so she didn't see them either. She was humming some tunes as she picked up a large box and it slipped out of her hands, spilling all of her things on the floor. She immediately bent down to pick it up and Ethan went to help her.

"Oh hi! I am sorry I didn't see you there," she said noticing Ethan as he put her things in the box and stood up. She removed her headphones and smiled at the boys who looked shy.

"Hi, I am Amelia Preston, Millie," she said in her Minnesota accent looking at Ethan and he smiled.

"I am Ethan Carter and I live opposite to you," he said and Millie smiled widely.

"This is Alex, Daniel and Henry," Ethan said introducing them to Millie and she smiled at them.

"Hello Ethan, Alex, Daniel and Henry," she said and the boys beamed at her.

"Come on in," she said inviting them in and they silently entered her apartment. They looked around and found her apartment full of color and life. The walls were white, just like every other apartment in the block, the couch was coral and everything else looked very colorful.

"Can I get you guys something? Water? Maybe some beer?" she asked going over to her refrigerator to grab them something as they sat on the couch and chairs.

"I have made some 'sex on the beach' if you guys want," she asked looking at them but they all looked at each other.

"Millie, some fruit juice would be fine, thank you," Ethan answered on behalf of all of them and she nods pouring them into a glass and handed it to them. The other didn't seem to answer her so she was a bit taken back.

"So guys what do you all do?" she asked sipping on her drink and sat on the singular chair nearby.

"I am a Quantum Physicist, Alex is a Computer Hardware Engineer, Daniel is an Anthropologist and Henry is a theoretical physicist," Ethan replied and Millie's eyes go wild.

"Wow! That is so interesting. Should I call you all doctors then?" she asked laughing and Ethan joined her, the boys just smiled.

"Do you guys not like me or something? None of you except Ethan have spoken to me," Millie asked and the boys looked again stared at each other.

"You see Millie, it's not normal for girls, especially such pretty and social ones like you talk to one of us unless they have some trouble in their work so we are a bit shy. It's not like we hate you, it's just surprising to us that you want to talk to us," Ethan replied and Millie touched his knee.

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