Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Hi, good evening. Welcome to Olive garden. What can I get you?" Millie asked walking to a table of her newly arrived customers.

"Millie! Hi," Ethan said and she looked up to find the boys sitting at the table smiling at her.

"Hey guys," she said smiling back. She was dressed in her green and white waitress uniform consisting a short sleeved white buttoned down shirt and a short green skirt with a green apron over it.

"What are you doing here Millie?" Ethan asked and she sighed.

"I am a waitress here now. I have to make money some way," she said and they nod.

"So how was your day?" she asked looking at them cheerfully.

"It was the same. Boring," he said and everyone agreed. They all worked at the university, helping the doctorate students with their experiments or as substitute lecturers but they got paid very well.

"Alright. I will get your meals and the people's next table and be back alright?" she said walking away to get their meals and she was back soon. The food at Olive Garden was amazing so they always stopped by here for their meals.

"Hmm, so how's the food?" she asked returning and they all looked at her.

"It's good. We are regular customers here, you know?" Henry asked and Millie had wide eyes.

"That is great. Now I get to see some friendly faces," she said grinning as she pushed some hair away from her face.

"Um guys, I have to go perform. I'll be back," she said going away once again and took the stage as the previous singer stepped down. She was being paid extra to be a singer at the live music in the restaurant so she took the job.

She sang the acoustic version of 'Golden' by Harry Styles and everyone fell in love with her voice. She had amazing, powerful and versatile vocals so everyone enjoyed the song. She got out her guitar too and sang 'The Cure' but Little Mix.

The customers were so pleased with her that they walked over to her and gave her some tips. They thanked her and she smiled. Many decided to tip her more while paying their bills and she got off stage where everyone clapped for her.

"You sing really well. Wow!" Ethan said as she walked over to them and she shrugged with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you guys," she said and a guy walked over to her and she looked at him.

"Hey, hi. I'm Liam Wells. I saw you singing up there and you were amazing," a man of height 6 feet 1 inch, blue eyes and blonde messy hair with an amazing body said coming up to her.

"Thank you. I am Millie," she said and he shakes her hand.

"Millie, you are a beautiful woman who's talented. Can I get your number and take you out sometime?" he asked straight to the point and the boys were just looking at her.

"Sure," she said taking a napkin close by and borrowed a pen from Ethan and wrote down her number for Liam and handed it to him.

"I'll call you," he said kissing her cheek and walked away. Millie turned around shyly with the pen fiddling in her hand.

"He was cute," she said and Alex nods.

"He was," he said and Millie cleaned out their table and went to the kitchen to drop it off. The boys waited for her shift to end by sitting at the table and she came out soon with her bag and coat.

"Thanks guys," she said touching their arms and they still weren't used to a girl touching their arm so they froze but they eventually smiled and walked out.

"Look at that girl. She looks amazing," Daniel said and everyone looked at a girl near a store outside. She did look pretty indeed.

"Go on. Ask her on a date then," she said but Daniel hesitated.

"Danny, go," she said and he sighed going close to the mysterious girl but he froze when she looked at him.

"Hi, how may I help you?" the girl asked smiling sweetly but Daniel said nothing so Millie rolled her eyes and went up to them.

"Hi, I am Millie," she said and the girl smiled at Millie.

"Hi I am Judy," she said and Millie placed her hand on Daniel's back.

"Judy, this is Daniel and he wanted to ask you for your number but he is a bit nervous," she said and Judy raises her eyebrows.

"So you are his mother then huh? Oh little boy, you can't talk to a girl? You have no balls, do you?" Judy said mocking Daniel and Millie got defensive.

"Judy why don't you stick that attitude up that horrible, out of shape ass of yours? You can never get a wonderful guy like Danny with that bitch attitude of yours," she fired back and the boys had their eyebrows up in their air now.

"Excuse me?" Judy asked getting offended.

"Yeah bitch you heard me right. I see your kind is jocks who leave you after a one night stand. Good luck with your poor love life," she replied walking away and Daniel followed her.

"That was wow!" Daniel said as they walked away from Judy whose mouth was left hanging out open.

"You deserve better Danny. Trust me," she said rubbing his back and he smiled at her. They all went to Ethan's apartment and sat in their respective chairs. As the boys talked about the their work, she cleaned Ethan's apartment. She knew that she didn't have to but she wanted to.

She puts the coffee mugs into the dishwasher, goes to his room and puts his dirty clothes into the laundry bin and vacuumed his apartment. She even set the temperature right in the thermostat, cleaned his table for him.

He was really busy, working on his experiments, notes and speeches for his lectures so he never actually had enough time to clean his apartment. From the two weeks of knowing Ethan, Millie found him very friendly.

"Alright guys. Good night," she said hugging each one of them as they walked out of the apartment. She had changed into her night clothes, some sweatpants and a bralette. They boys eventually left.

"So Ethan, don't you have to work on the report you are writing?" she asked looking and Ethan remembered it. He was writing about his new experiments he had performed as a result of his work so he sat at his desk and stared looking at his notes from his experiments and started typing on his laptop.

Millie sat on the couch, looked at her mails if any agents had responded but none of them did. She watched some movies and after a few hours passed, it was mid night. She saw that Ethan was still working.

So she made him some hot cocoa with little marshmallows to make him work better and he smiled at her.

"Thank you Millie. Why don't you go and get some sleep now?" he asked but she nods.

"It's alright Ethan," she said getting back to the couch and watched him work. He was fiddling with the pen in his hands as he thought and his brown hair was all messy. His glasses kept sliding off his nose but he pushed it back to cover his green eyes and went back to work. His body looked so tall with his 6 feet and 2 inches body, even though he was sitting down.

Millie took one of the books nearby and started reading it but she eventually felt sleepy and slept on the couch, bundled up like a ball to keep herself warm. Ethan eventually stopped his work for the might and turned to look at Millie sleeping peacefully.

She looked so beautiful and innocent when she slept. She looked like an angel, Ethan thought. He eventually brought her the warmest blanket and the softest pillow he had and covered Millie with it.

He turned off the lights and took the book away from Millie and let her sleep. He loads the dishwasher with their mugs and goes to his room to find it neat.

Millie was a sweetheart. He got into his fresh sheets Millie had put on for him with a big smile on his face.

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